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Custom Search Guards. Many times guards are removed to service equipment and in haste are not
returned to their proper place. A guard sitting off to the side is not doing its job and could result
in a painful accident. Gears and Bearings. A thorough check of the hoistway machine gears and bearings
should be made on each inspection trip. Problems in these areas do not happen overnight. If
found early, they can greatly reduce repair cost and time. Bearing problems are detected by
sound and/or heat. Gear problems are detected by examining wear pattern on the gear. This will
show that the gear is not properly aligned with the worm causing contact in an improper position,
or that the gear is bottoming or contacting the worm shaft. Excessive heat damage, most likely
caused by low oil or break down of oil, can also be detected. It is indicated by pock marks in the
face of the gear tooth or teeth. Hoist Motor. It is very important to check the hoist machine motor. Commutator or slip
ring damage Are indications that something is not right and needs immediate attention. Become
very familiar with these signs and be constantly on the look-out for them. Elevator performance
is directly related to good electrical continuity throughout the commutator or slip rings. Also,
heat is always a major concern and is a problem indicated. The source of the heat should be
investigated and corrective action recommended. Motors should be kept clean to assure proper
air passages that are needed for cooling. Connections not properly made may result in poor
electrical conduction and points of resistance. This condition creates heat. Improper adjustments
can force motor windings to carry more current, which produces heat, thus causing insulation Brake. Closely examine both the mechanical actions of the brake and the electrical
components. The A17.2 Manual addresses the examination of the mechanical action. As for the
electrical components, the brake coil leads, connections, and windings should be examined to
check insulation conditions and physical connections. In addition, many brakes have electrical
contacts that are used in various control functions. These should be checked to assure proper
contact operation, insulation on wire and contacts, and condition of connections. Many control
systems, by design, stop the elevator electrically when it reaches the floor, which allows the
brake to set. This is done to prevent a bump on stopping, which is caused when the brakes set.
Brake operation should be checked, where applicable, to see that the feature is working properly. Controls. The A17.2 Manual outlines a complete inspection of the control equipment. A
good preventative maintenance program on the control equipment will greatly reduce shut

Western Governors University

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