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Custom Search Housekeeping. The overall machine room should never be overlooked. The A17.2
Manual lists each area to be checked. It reduces the possibility of accidents and has a direct
impact on fire safety. Proper ventilation is required to keep equipment operating. Inclined
elevators are often exterior to buildings and subject to weather. All components should be
checked for rusting and other deterioration. Provisions should be provided for machine room
heating to a minimum of 40 degrees F. Machine room access door hardware is very often found
not meeting all requirements of the A17.1 Code. In addition, Navy policy is that the machine
rooms have controlled access areas to be secured by lock and key or combination locks. Machine
rooms and machinery spaces are not to be used for storage of non-elevator related items.
Absolutely no flammable items are permitted. Machine Room Access. Access to machine room and machinery spaces must always be
checked. Not only to assure that the usual ladders, stairs, lights, railings, etc. are kept in first
class condition, but to be sure that the access is not infringed on by building changes. Safety may
be directly dependent on rescue personnel getting to the elevator equipment in a hurry.
6.6.6 Periodic Inspection And Tests Scope. The A17.1 Code indicates that inclined elevators are subject to routine and
periodic tests (Rule 1010.7) at intervals not less than 6 months. Procedures and methods
described in the A17.2 Manual for electric elevators should be applied when inspecting inclined
elevators. Testing data should be specifically documented on the inspector's report that these
test have been performed and the dates the tests were made. Governor and Safety. Division 111 of the A17.2 Manual covers inspection of governors.
Division 112 of the A17.2 Manual covers inspection and test of the car and counterweight
safeties. This is a no load, slow speed test of the safety equipment. It is done to exercise the
equipment to assure its proper operation. Full load tests are outlined in Division 113. Buffers. Division 114 and 115 of the A17.2 Manual covers buffer tests. Normal and Final Limits. Division 116 of the A17.2 Manual covers the operational test
of normal and final terminal stopping devices. The limits only receive a functional test during
routine inspections. The annual test requires setting conditions that will require the limits to
operate as they would if conditions warranted.

Western Governors University

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