TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
14-28. Periodic check of a stored battery.
14-27. Battery storage procedure.
If a battery is to be temporarily taken out of service,
At certain periods, each stored battery should be
charge it until all the cells gas; add water to vented
reconnected; water should be added to vented type
type batteries during the charge, so that the gassing
batteries; and the batteries should be charged. For
provides complete mixing to ensure against freez-
lead-acid batteries, this should be done every 2
ing. Add enough water to raise the level of the
months in climates averaging 70 to 80 degrees F (21
electrolyte to the full line marked on the jar, or as
to 27 degrees C); every 6 months when the average
recommended by the manufacturer. After the
temperature is on the order of 40 degrees F (5 de-
charge is completed, remove all fuses to prevent use
grees C); and every 3 or 4 months for temperatures
of the battery during its storage period. Make sure
in between. Nickel-cadmium batteries may be
that all vent plugs are in place. To put the battery in
stored for longer periods.
service again, give it a freshening charge in accord-
ance with the manufacturer's instructions.
14-29. Replacement of a battery.
14-30. Disposal of batteries.
Unless tested and proven otherwise, batteries, be-
Generally, if a battery's capacity is less than 80
cause of their electrolytes, are classified as hazard-
percent of the rated capacity, the recommended ac-
ous waste. Recycling is the most cost-effective and
tion (by industry consensus) is replacement. The
trouble-free method of disposal, and therefore is the
urgency of the replacement will depend upon the
preferred disposal method when batteries are re-
available capacity margin, and the sizing criteria
moved from service. The Resource Conservation and
compared to normal load requirements. Whenever
Recovery Act (RCRA) governs the requirements for
replacement is dictated, the maximum delay should
management and control of all wastes, hazardous or
be no more than 12 months.
a. Other replacement criteria. Significant differ-
nonhazardous, and applies to the disposal of batter-
ies. RCRA states that spent batteries must be sent
ences in the capacities of individual cells, cell polar-
to a battery manufacturer for recycling or regenera-
ity reversal, failure to hold charge, and inability to
tion. Other recyclers are not acceptable. Some
maintain an acceptable specific gravity are condi-
manufacturers will accept old batteries for recycling
tions which require further investigation. Replace-
and regeneration. Although manufacturers gener-
ment of individual cells may be required in order to
ally accept lead-acid batteries more willingly than
maintain capacity.
nickel-cadmium batteries, a fee may be charged for
b. Cell replacement. Replacement cells must be
regeneration. Actual disposal must meet both RCRA
compatible with the remaining battery cells and
and local facility requirements.
should be discharge tested before installation. As a
battery installation approaches the end of its ser-
vice life, it is not recommended that individual cells
be replaced.