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![]() TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
Section I-USE
15-1. Electrical tools and equipment stan-
cludes electrical and mechanical devices used to test
the operation of electrical equipment, such as volt-
meters, ammeters, ohmmeters, tachometers, and
Industry standards describe the requirements for
similar devices.
electrical protective equipment and for tools. These
standards were developed so that the tools, equip-
e. Large portable and mobile equipment. Large
ment, materials, and test methods used by electrical
portable and mobile equipment includes relatively
workers will provide protection from electrical haz-
large and easily transportable equipment for use in
ards. Electrical protective equipment is included in
maintenance work, such as line trucks, aerial lift
the ASTM F 18 series specifications. Tool and equip-
trucks, motor-generator sets, pole hole diggers, and
ment terminology and in-service maintenance and
similar apparatus.
electrical testing are included in ANSI/IEEE 935
and IEEE 978 respectively. Safety manuals TM
15-3. Tool and equipment safe use.
5-682, NAVFAC P-1060, and AFM 32-1078 also
contain tool and equipment requirements. In case of
All hand and mechanically operated tools, must be
conflict, always use the most stringent safety re-
used in a manner to comply with all applicable
safety rules. Each worker is responsible for observ-
ing safety rules and preventing accidents.
15-2. Tools and equipment classification.
a. Energized lines. The methods used when work-
For simplicity and convenience, the tools and equip-
ing on energized lines, such as gloving, use of hot
ment required for electrical inspection and mainte-
line tools, provision of electrically insulated buck-
nance are classified as follows:
ets, will be in accordance with the applicable ser-
a. Tools. Tools include hand tools, digging tools,
vices' safety manuals. Safety rules governing the
hot line tools, miscellaneous and special tools, and
use of such tools and equipment are given in these
manuals and in applicable OSHA regulations, 29
b. Protective equipment. Protective equipment in-
CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926.
cludes rubber gloves, lie hose, matting, blankets,
insulator hoods, sleeves, barricades and warning
b. Material use. An insulating type hydraulic
fluid is required in all hydraulic handtools used on
c. Climbing equipment. Climbing equipment in-
or near energized lines and in insulated sections of
cludes body belts, safety and climber straps, climb-
aerial lift trucks. Hazardous material procedures
ers, and ladders.
must be followed when dealing with such sub-
d. Electrical inspecting and testing equipment.
Electrical inspecting and testing equipment in-
15-4. Hazardous substances.
major hazardous items to which electrical workers
may be exposed are asbestos, polychlorinated
A hazard communication program should be imple-
biphenyls (PCB's), sulfur hexifluoride (SF,) and
mented in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 or
some of the chemicals used to control undesirable
1926.59. AI1 maintenance personnel, prior to han-
brush or pests or to preserve wood.
dling equipment or materials containing hazardous
substances, will be advised of information in the
15-5. Asbestos containing materials.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that sub-
stance. A copy of the MSDS for each hazardous
Asbestos is no longer used for insulation or fire
substance should be readily available to workers for
protection purposes or as a material in the fabrica-
referral to the manufacturer's instructions for use,
tion of conduit or piping. Any present danger which
storage, labeling, disposal, and for dealing with
workers may encounter will be from cutting existing
emergencies arising from that material's use. The
asbestos materials which release asbestos fibers to
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