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![]() TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
15-7. Sulfur hexifluoride (SF6) insulated
the atmosphere. If fibers are suspended in the air in
significant quantities, their inhalation can damage
respiratory functions. Electrical workers are nor-
In its pure state, SF, is a colorless, odorless, taste-
mally exposed to such fibers, only if existing
less, nonflammable, nontoxic, and noncorrosive gas.
cement-asbestos conduits or asbestos fire-proofing
It is shipped in a liquid form. As it is five times
are cut either accidentally or knowingly without
heavier than air, it can act as an asphyxiant and, in
proper precautions. Some older circuit breakers
the liquid state, it can cause tissue freezing similar
may have asbestos-containing arc chutes and
to frost bite. Decomposition products of SF,, pro-
duced by electric arcs or faults, can be toxic. Normal
should be handled carefully, using approved gloves,
arc products recombine to form SF, gas, or are re-
and wearing approved respirators. Otherwise, any
moved by an absorber provided for that purpose
handling of asbestos-containing materials should
within equipment such as circuit breakers and
only be done by authorized trained personnel.
switches. However, gas-insulated items such as
15-6. polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) insu-
busway and cable, as well as circuit breakers and
lated equipment.
switches, can rupture and leak gas. Always treat
SF, as hazardous.
Items with PCB insulation, such as transformers or
15-8. Chemicals used for outside mainte-
regulators, should have already been removed in
accordance with facility directives or should at least
have been identified in accordance with EPA regu-
Herbicides, pesticides, and wood preservative treat-
lations. However, PCB traces have been reported in
ments are designed to exterminate or control living
older bushings installed on nonPCB-insulated
organisms. They provide potential health hazards,
units. In the past, PCB insulation was distributed
if MSDS requirements for special handling and per-
by several equipment manufacturers under such
sonal protective equipment are not followed. Special
trade names as Inerteen, Pyranol, Chlorextol, Safe-
training may be required to meet applicable agency
T-Kuhl, No-Flamol, etc.
requirements or certification.
15-9. Protective electrical rubber goods.
thumb, fingers, and palm. Listen and feel for escap-
ing air. Inspect the entire glove surface for imbed-
Rubber goods are used in clothing designed to pro-
ded foreign material, cuts, deep scratches, or punc-
vide insulation from an energized part or line. Rub-
tures. Gloves found to be defective should be tagged
ber is a generic term that includes elastomers and
and turned in for replacement.
elastomeric compounds, regardless of origin. Rub-
(b) Electrical test for rubber sleeves and
ber goods are used by electrical worker when work
gloves. Rubber gloves and sleeves in service should
requires handling energized lines.
be given an electrical proof test periodically. If pos-
a. Inspection. Rubber protective equipment must
sible, the test should be accomplished by a local
be visually inspected prior to each use and should
utility company or an independent testing labora-
be given electrical and mechanical tests at the fre-
tory, who should also provide electrical testing for
quencies stipulated in departmental publications.
all other rubber goods used. If independent testing
Unserviceable rubber goods should be plainly
is not possible, then test equipment and test voltage
marked and turned in for replacement. Familiarity
should comply with ASTM F 496, which also covers
with the visual inspection methods and techniques
in-service care. The Lineman's and Cableman's
listed in ASTM F 1236 is advisable.
Handbook covers the procedure and shows the com-
plexity and expertise required for in-service testing
(1) Rubber gloves and sleeves. Rubber gloves
of rubber goods.
and sleeves should be inspected on the outside and
(2) Line hose. The outside of line hose should
then turned inside out for inspection on the reverse
be inspected for checks and cracks by bending the
side. They must be free of defects or damage impair-
hose 180 degrees. at successive points along its
ing electrical or mechanical properties, and must
length to stretch the rubber enough to expose pos-
meet test requirements.
sible defects. The inside of line hose is inspected by
(a) Air test and inspection for rubber gloves.
opening and spreading. Periodic electrical in-service
Rubber gloves should be tested prior to each use.
tests should be given in accordance with ASTM F
Grasp the cuff at opposite points and twirl the
478 which also covers in-service care.
glove, trapping air inside. Hold the end closed with
one hand so that air cannot escape. Then squeeze
(3) Other equipment. All other rubber protec-
the glove with the other hand to force air into the
tive equipment should be inspected for cuts, tears,
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