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TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
tures in the crease. Never leave rubber gloves inside
snags, or other defects that could impair safety.
out because distention at fingertips and glove body
Rubber blankets are inspected by placing them on a
connections to finger and thumb pieces hastens de-
flat surface, rolling each corner diagonally, and
checking the outer surface as it is rolled. Insulator
(c) Provide separate bins in the warehouse to
hoods are spread open at the bottom just enough to
store each class of equipment. Store gloves, coats,
permit a view of the inner surface. Attempting to
force the sides back to any great extent should be
and hoods in original containers. Blankets and line
hose should lie flat.
avoided, since this causes cracks or splits the hood.
(d) Do not store any tools or other material
These inspections will be made, even if equipment
has not been used since the last inspection. Periodic
in the same bins with rubber protective equipment.
(e) Give all rubber protective equipment in
electrical testing of other rubber protective equip-
storage a thorough visual inspection and an electri-
ment should be conducted to ensure their adequacy
as insulators. In-service care and testing is covered
cal test before using.
for line covers (hoods) in ASTM F 478 and for insu-
15-10. Helmets for electrical work.
lating blankets in ASTM F 479. There is no industry
Protective hats shall be in accordance with the pro-
in-service care provision for matting, which is de-
visions of ANSI 289.1, Class B requirements (meet-
signed to meet ASTM D 178.
ings a 20,000 volts ac test for 3 minutes) and shall
b. Storage. The following procedures govern stor-
be worn at the job-site by all workers who are ex-
age of rubber protective equipment:
posed to potential hazards, such as falling objects,
(1) Storage of equipment in line trucks. Store
electric shock, or burns.
rubber protective equipment in readily accessible
compartments and in an efficient manner. Gloves
15-11. Barrier protection for electrical work.
should be stored in individual bags and covers
Barriers are required adjacent to electrical installa-
should be nested to conserve space. Permit no other
tions for the protection of equipment and personnel.
equipment in compartments in which rubber goods
Permanent installations are normally protected by
are stored.
metal fences, however materials should be available
(a) Provide separate compartments for each
for erection of suitable temporary barriers.
class of equipment. Each compartment should be
a. Preformed barriers. Preformed barriers are
large enough to allow articles to lie in an unbent
available that are portable and readily assembled.
Maintenance consists essentially of rust prevention
(b) Never fold gloves and blankets.
by periodic painting.
(c) Be sure doors of compartments are tight
b. Temporary barriers. A temporary barrier can
enough to protect rubber goods against sun, rain,
be constructed using hazard area warning tape in
and dust.
conjunction with stanchions. This type of barrier is
(d) Rubber blankets must be protected from
effective only when indicating a boundary, and
damaging contact with other equipment. Roll
should be used only where the limitations imposed
loosely and place in metal canisters. Canisters are
by such a barrier are within established safety prac-
available in sizes to accommodate from one to six
tices. Stanchions should be periodically cleaned and
painted as required.
(e) If linemen's rubber coats and boots are
15-12. Visual warnings for electrical work.
carried in the truck, provide special compartments.
If coats cannot be carried on hangers, roll them. Do
In addition to providing barriers, it is often neces-
not fold.
sary to install some type of visual warning. The
(2) Warehouse storage. All rubber protective
generally used types include warning signs, flags,
materials not stored on the truck should be stored
flares, and flashing lights. Since these are often
in a warehouse, in a clean, cool, dark, place having
required on an emergency basis, they should be
an approximately 50 percent relative humidity.
readily available to electrical maintenance person-
Since heat, light, oil, and distortion are natural en-
nel. Extra batteries and bulbs or complete lights
emies of rubber, protective equipment should be
should be carried on an electric maintenance truck.
guarded against these dangers as much as possible.
Signs should be kept in readable condition, clean,
(a) Do not store rubber equipment near
and free of rust or corrosion.
boiler rooms, steam pipes, or radiators. Protect it
15-13. Protective grounding of deenergized
against exposure to direct sunlight.
(b) Rubber ages or oxidizes quickest at
points held under distortion. A blanket allowed to
When work is to be done on a deenergized line,
remain folded for a period of time cracks or punc-
protective grounding sets must be applied to the

Western Governors University

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