TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
tion missing, cut, cracked, or otherwise in poor con-
line. These sets consist of clamps connected to-
dition, should be replaced.
gether with insulated wire. A set is applied to a
c. Safety aspects. Protective grounding is re-
circuit in such a way that all conductors of the
quired to ensure worker safety. Follow the instruc-
circuit may be effectively shorted together and
grounded. All equipment must meet the require-
tions given in your service safety manual in regard
to the following grounding aspects.
ments of ASTM F 855.
a. Clamps. The clamps of a grounding set are
(1) Where to apply grounds in relation to the
designed to be manipulated with hot-line sticks.
work site.
These clamps should be visually inspected each
(2) Size of ground wire. A minimum 2/O AWG
copper ground wire is recommended. Check ASTM
time that they are to be used to ascertain that the
wire is securely fastened and that each clamp is in
F 855 for maximum fault current capabilities of
sound condition. Check to see that clamps function
grounding cables.
(3) Staying at least 10 feet (3 meters) clear of
properly and to ensure that a tight connection can
any protective grounds is recommended to avoid
be made to the conductors on which they will be
touch-and-step potentials. Otherwise, wear insu-
b. Wire. Insulated wire is used to connect the
lated footwear and provide other hazard minimizing
clamps together and to ground. Wires with insula-
15-14. Body belts, climber straps, and safety
b. Oiling. Leather body belts and safety straps
usually require oiling about every 6 months, or
when the leather cannot be made soft and pliable
Personal climb equipment must meet the require-
with the saddle-soap dressing. The following
ments of ASTM F 887 and OSHA Standard
method is recommended:
1926.959. Only the best grade, smooth, pliable har-
(1) Clean the 1 ther with a neutral soap, as
ness leather, or other material approved and con-
for cleaning and dressing.
forming to government specifications, should be
(2) While the leather is still damp, gradually
used in body belts and safety straps. Treat climber
apply about 4 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of pure
straps in the same manner as safety straps. If nylon
neatsfoot oil per set of equipment, with hands or
fabric is used, as permitted by ASTM F 887, consult
rag, using long light strokes to work the oil into the
the manufacturer for proper cleaning procedures.
leather. Be sure a light, even distribution is made.
a. Cleaning and dressing. Body belts and safety
To avoid overoiling, never pour oil directly onto
straps should be cleaned and dressed every 3
leather. Never use mineral oils or greases, such as
months, or oftener if they become wet from rain or
machine oil or Vaseline. Leather should never look
perspiration. If leather equipment has come in con-
or feel greasy, which is an indication of excessive oil.
tact with paint, carefully remove the paint with a
Too much oil stretches the leather, which may then
dry cloth as soon as possible. The following method
pick up damaging sand or grit.
is recommended for cleaning and dressing leather
(3) After oiling, set the belt or strap aside in a
body belts and safety straps:
cool nonhumid place for about 24 hours to permit
(1) Wipe off all surface dirt with a dampened
the leather to dry slowly. Never dry lather near a
(not wet) sponge.
source of heat, since heat destroys leather.
(2) Rinse the sponge in clear water and
(4) Rub vigorously with a soft cloth to remove
squeeze nearly dry. Work up a creamy lather with a
excess oil.
neutral soap (free from alkali), such as castile or
c. Storing. The following precautions should be
white toilet soap.
observed in storing body belts or safety straps:
(3) Wash the belt or strap thoroughly with a
(1) If the leather was insufficiently oiled when
lathered sponge to remove imbedded dirt and per-
purchased, oil as previously described before plac-
spiration. Remove any moisture by wiping dry with
ing in storage.
a cloth.
(2) Oil at le ast once every 6 months, when left
(4) Work up a lather of saddle soap in the same
for that period in storage.
manner as for the neutral soap.
(3) Never store the leather goods with sharp
(5) Work the saddle soap lather well into all
edged tools. Do not put belts or straps in the same
parts of the leather. Place the leather in a cool,
compartment with climbers because of the possibil-
nonhumid place to dry.
ity of cutting or puncturing the leather with gaffs.
(6) When the leather has nearly dried, rub it
(4) Never store where the leather may be sub-
jected to excessive heat or dampness.
vigorously with a soft cloth.