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TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
d. Safety inspection and tests. Body belts and
(a) Bend safety straps with the grain
safety straps should be inspected in conjunction
(smooth) side out over a %-inch (19 millimeter)
with other regular tool inspections. If faulty condi-
mandrel. Make the test over the entire strap.
tions are found or suspected, the articles involved
(b) Make a similar test for body belts wher-
must be repaired or replaced at once.
ever they can be bent, such as under tool loops and
(1) Visual inspection of body belts. Inspect body
at tongue straps.
belts for the following:
(c) Do not bend belts or straps sharply over
(a) Edges and other parts of leather loops
too small a mandrel, as leather may develop cracks
holding D-rings, which are crushed or worn suffi-
if excessive strain is put on the grain layer.
ciently to reduce their strength or cause the leather
15-15. Climber gaffs.
to tear.
(b) Loose or broken rivets (particularly those
The safety of a lineman using climbers depends
in the loops holding the D-rings).
largely on the use of properly sharpened gaffs of the
(c) Cracks and cuts tending to tear the
correct length. Pole gaffs must measure at least
leather or affect the strength of the belt.
1.4375 inches (37 millimeters) on the underside.
(d) Leather which is hard and dry.
Tree gaffs must measure not more than 3.5 inches
(e) A broken plier pouch.
(89 millimeters) nor less than 2.25 inches (57 milli-
(f) A broken or defective buckle.
meters) on the underside.
(g) Any leather spot which is dry on the out-
a. Sharpening. Certain precautions must be ob-
side. If bending at that spot cracks the leather and
served in sharpening a gaff.
small pieces between cracks may be easily removed
(1) To avoid the danger of removing the temper
with a fingernail, the leather has been burned.
of the metal, do not sharpen a gaff with a grindstone
(h) Torn or excessively enlarged holes for the
or emery wheel.
buckle tongue.
(2) Never sh arpen a gaff on the underside, ex-
(2) Visual inspection of safety straps. Inspect
cept to make a shoulder, because it changes the
safety straps for the following:
angle to which the gaff is set and renders the gaff
(a) Cracks, cuts, nicks, and tears (particu-
unsafe for use. When removing metal to make the
larly across or on the edges of the strap) that tend to
shoulder, ensure that the underside remains
affect the strength of the strap.
straight as a rounded surface may cause the gaff to
(b) Loose, worn, or broken rivets.
break out when climbing.
(c) Broken or badly worn steel reinforcing
(3) Use the following procedure in sharpening
the strap.
a gaff:
(d) Leather which is hard and dry.
(a) Put the climber in a vise with the gaff up.
(e) Broken or defective snaps.
(b) Sharpen the gaff on the two outer sur-
(f) Poor action of tongue on the snap. The
faces with a file. Take long strokes from the heel to
tongue should work freely without side play and
the point of gaff. Remove only enough material to
close securely under the spring tension.
make a good point.
(g) A broken or defective buckle.
(c) Never sharpen a gaff to a needle point.
(h) Torn holes for the tongue or buckle.
Leave a shoulder about
inch (3.175 millimeter)
(i) Leather worn thin. If otherwise sound,
back from the pint. The distance across a gaff at the
the strap may be used as long as it is at least l/8
shoulder should be about
inch (3.969 millime-
inch (3.175 millimeter) thick in any portion, other
ters). This is to prevent the gaff from sinking too far
than the doubled part of the strap. In this portion,
into a pole.
the leather may wear to a thickness slightly less
b. Storage. Store gaffs in a manner such that
than  inch (3.175 millimeter) because the doubled
other equipment will not be punctured, torn, or cut.
portion is approximately twice as strong as a single
15-16. Ladders for electrical work.
(j) Burnt leather indicated by dry spots
which crack when bent.
Ladders are used frequently by electrical personnel
(k) Grain (smooth side of leather) worn so
and many accidents result from their misuse. All
fibers are plainly visible.
maintenance personnel should be familiar with the
(3) Bending test for leather. Before the bending
rules and regulations regarding their proper use.
test is applied to a body belt or safety strap, the
Portable metal ladders, or ladders with metal hard-
leather should contain enough oil to be soft and
ware, are prohibited from both indoor and outdoor
pliable. When the test is made, the leather should
use by personnel inspecting or working on electric
show no cracks other than slight surface cracks.
lines, poles, wiring, or equipment.

Western Governors University

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