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![]() 3.6.1 End and Gland Seals. S e a l s are used to prevent water infiltration
where the conduit runs through walls, as at manholes and entrances to
End seals are used when there is no longitudinal movement of the
p i p e , as at terminal ends of conduits inside manholes, pits, or building
w a l l s . End seals consist of a steel bulkhead plate welded to the pipe and
Figure 3-2 illustrates an end seal. When the pipes can have
l o n g i t u d i n a l movement, gland seals are used to prevent water infiltration.
Gland seals consist of a packed stuffing box and gland follower mounted on a
steel plate welded to end of conduit. End seals or gland seals are equipped
w i t h drain and vent openings located diametrically opposite on the vertical
c e n t e r l i n e of the seal. T e l l t a l e vents, located at the top of the seal, are
never less than 1 inch in diameter and must provide a free passage to the
airspace between the insulation and the conduit walls (refer to paragraphs
3 . 6 . 2 and 3.6.3). Drain connections (l-inch minimum diameter) are located at
the bottom of the seal.
3 . 6 . 2 Type A-1, Cast Iron Conduits. T h e s e units are prefabricated at the
f a c t o r y in standard length sections. T h e y consist of pipe(s) individually
covered with premolded or preformed pipe insulation of proper thickness,
( r e f e r to chapter 7), and a cast iron conduit casing. T h e insulated pipe is
supported within the metallic casing in such a way that a continuous annular
space (l-inch minimum) is provided for the entire length of the system,
between the outer surface of the insulation and the inner surface of the
e x t e r i o r casing. This provides adequate continuous airspace for venting and
A n extension of bare pipe is left at each end of the section for
w e l d i n g in the field. A f t e r welding, joint closures are made by applying
i n s u l a t i o n to the pipe and then using a solid sleeve or mechanical joint for
t h e conduit. I n other types of installations the conduit is furnished with
flanged ends to make the joint closures. F i g u r e s 3-3 and 3-4 illustrate a
s o l i d sleeve joint and a standard mechanical joint, respectively. P i p i n g is
pitched by the slope of the trench bottom. Supports and anchors are designed
to permit complete drainage of the casing in place and to allow freedom of
Conduit End Seal
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