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Section 4.
1 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE. Trouble-free service and piping system
r e l i a b i l i t y is promoted by proper operating procedures, including the
f o l l o w i n g requirements:
(a) Proper Operating Temperatures and Pressures. Do not operate piping
systems beyond their normal pressure and temperature ratings except during
emergency conditions and under careful observation.
(b) Normal Makeup. Watch closely the makeup requirements in the
g e n e r a t i n g plant. If the required makeup increases noticeably, investigate
t h e distribution system for possible leaks.
( c ) Correct Operation. Follow operating procedures as described in
s e c t i o n 3 of this chapter. Make sure the piping system is always drained of
condensate and adequately vented. Check the operation of expansion joints or
loops. Make sure that supports, hangers, anchors, and guides adequately
support and guide the pipes.
( d ) Ventilation and Draining. Make sure that manholes and conduits of
underground systems are always well ventilated and drained.
( e ) Cathodic Protection. F o l l o w manufacturer's instruction for the
p r o p e r operation of cathodic protection systems. Take rectifier readings
m o n t h l y and make Structure-to-Electrolyte potential readings quarterly as
described in paragraph 2.4.5. Report inconsistent readings to your supervisor
or EFD (Code 102) immediately.
2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION. Piping systems should be inspected with
a frequency that depends on the particular installation and type of service
given. Inspection schedules and actions adequate for average installations
are presented in the following paragraphs.
Check for the following
2.1 Monthly Inspection of Aboveground Systems.
(a) Leaks
(b) Damage to insulation
(c) Abnormal pressures and temperatures
(d) Abnormal pressure drops
( e ) Condition of steam traps, s t r a i n e r s , and moisture separators.
(f) Vibration
(g) Correct operation of associated equipment such as steam traps,
p u m p s , pressure and temperature controllers, strainers, and auxiliaries,
I n s p e c t the following items.
2.2 Yearly Inspection of Aboveground Systems.
Check for corrosion, leakage, loose joints, damaged
( a ) Inspect piping.
or missing supports.
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