Custom Search
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![]() ( c ) A l l i n s t a l l a t i o n , r e p a i r , and cleanup work is completed, including
cleaning and flushing of compressed air pipelines. T h i s is especially
i m p o r t a n t in high-pressure air systems where any grease, oil: lint, or
flammable material left in the pipe may constitute an explosion hazard.
(d) The system is tight, properly supported, and in good operating
( e ) All auxiliary equipment, such as strainers, moisture separators,
valves, and pressure reducing stations, i s correctly installed and ready for
3 SYSTEM STARTUP. B e f o r e placing the distribution system in service, notify
the central compressor plant and the compressed air consumers. Provide a
s t a r t u p schedule to all involved organizations together with specific
procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency
3 . 1 Startup Procedure. Proceed as follows:
( a ) Make sure that proper air pressure is carried in the air receiver of
the compressor plant-
( b ) Drain receiver of accumulated condensate, if any.
( c ) Check automatic drain of air receiver for proper operation.
( d ) Make sure air relief valve and air receiver pressure gauge are in
good operating condition and are properly calibrated.
( e ) Slowly open main air valve located at the air receiver outlet pipe.
( f ) Place in service the automatic drain traps located in the drip
legs. Check operation of the traps. Where manual drain valves are used,
t h r o t t l e the valves until moisture is drained; then close valves.
( g ) Slowly open main air inlet valve of the secondary air receiver, if
(h) Make sure air relief valve and pressure gauge of the secondary air
receiver are in good operating condition and are p r o p e r l y c a l i b r a t e d . -
( i ) Drain secondary air receiver of accumulated condensate.
( j ) Check automatic drain of secondary air r e c e i v e r for proper operation.
(k) Slowly open branch air valves, as requi r e d . In high-pressure
systems special-care should be taken when admitting air to a-pocketed space to
prevent explosion hazards (refer to section 3, paragraph 1.1 and 1.2).
( 1 ) Place in service pressure reducing stations and moisture separators,
as required.
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