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Training. Organized training in basic public relations, work rules, unit
operations, safety, and equipment use and care shall be scheduled at
regular intervals. Such training can reduce equipment breakdowns,
improve both employee and public relations, reduce injury compensation
claims, and ultimately reduce costs.
Safety. Solid waste collection workers have a high injury frequency
rate. Dramatic cost savings can be realized by implementing safety
programs. Such safety devices as gloves, safety glasses, respirators,
and special footwear can contribute significantly to the health and
safety of workers.
Route Planning. The refuse foreman and collection truck drivers
shall be involve in the routing process. To ensure maximum productivity,
management shall consider potential cost savings from the three categories of
routing: macro-routing, route balancing, and micro-routing.
Macro-routing. Macro-routing determines the assignment of the daily
collection routes to disposal facilities. The objective is to minimize
the round-trip haul time (and hence hauling cost) from the collection
routes to the disposal site. This generally means hauling to the closest
disposal site. However, the closest site may not be the best choice if
it has limited capacities (such as an incinerator), requires a long
service time, has a poor safety record, or other such considerations.
The selection of a disposal site for each collection route requires the
supervisor to consider all factors that can reduce costs. Information
essential to macro-routing includes haul times from the routes to the
various processing and disposal sites, crew size and vehicle capacity,
safety considerations, service times at the sites, condition of the
site, and short and long-range capacities and costs of the sites.
Route balancing. Route balancing is the process of determining the
optimum number of services that constitute a fair day's work and
dividing the collection task among the crews so that they have equal
workloads. The data required for this analysis are: (1) time and
distance data related to the components of the collection day; (2) the
number and type of services and where they are located; (3) the average
amount of waste generated per service, including seasonal variations; and
(4) basic equipment and labor cost data. Route balancing is accomplished
by analyzing each component of time in the collection day, or how each
crew spends its time. Typical time components include:
going to or from garage to route
route collection time
to or from route to disposal site
time at disposal site
time for official breaks
slack time (lost time due to weather, breakdowns, etc.)
Micro-routing. Micro-routing determines the path each collection vehicle
will follow. The objective of micro-routing is to minimize the
noncollection distance (repeat distance and streets with no services)
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