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Use dusts on cave crickets in crawl
The European Earwig
spaces and garages; however, they are
Forficula auricularia
seldom needed.
The European earwig was introduced into the
United States. This dark brown insect grows to be
almost one inch long and is common in the Northeast,
Northwest, parts of southern Canada, and now is
found in the middle Atlantic states.
Class Crustacea
Like most earwigs, the European earwig requires
These  small,  oval  land
high moisture and builds up in shady yards where
crustaceans, protected by objects
stones and boards offer protection. These earwigs
on the ground, feed on decaying
enter on ground floors and can make their way into
vegetable matter and fungi. They
other parts of houses. They also hide in wrappings
have been known to clip outside
used to trap gypsy moth larvae.
potted plant roots, but very little
damage is expected of them. Heavy
The Striped Earwig
infestations outside encourages
Labidura riparia
movement that causes individuals
The striped earwig, common in the tropics and
to find their way inside. Their
generic names, Porcellio and
subtropics, has now extended its range across the
Armadillidum, seem to distinguish
southern and southwestern United States. These
earwigs burrow in soil, mulch, rubbish, and grass
these small oval arthropods.
thatch. The striped earwig is about one inch long, and
brown or tan with pale stripes on the thorax. The
Habitat Alterations
abdomen is darker and slightly banded. This earwig
Remove places where sowbugs and
survives well in disturbed areas such as new
pillbugs can develop near the house,
subdivisions. They are doubly obnoxious when they
such as boards on the ground, flower
come inside because they emit a foul odor when
pots, and flat stones.
Remove mulch and replace with gravel,
if necessary.
Look under bark, boards, and stones
near house foundations.
Inspect cracks around foundation and
Order Dermaptera
door stoops.
Earwigs are conspicuous and
Check behind bird houses, tree trunk
easily recognized relatives of
wrappings, and under plant mulch.
cockroaches, They are flattened
insects with forceps or pinchers
Habitat Alteration
at the tail end; the forceps grasp
Caulk ground floor entries, windows,
insect prey. At first glance,
and cracks between door stoops and
earwigs appear to be wingless; in
patios and the building foundation.
fact, their wings fold up many
Remove as much harborage as possible.
times under the small front wing
Trim hedges and plants away from
covers;  some fly to lights.
Earwigs feed on other insects and
Ventilate and dehumidify moist
often scavenge in garbage and
basements, porches, and so forth.
moist plant material. They also feed some on plant
Lowering the humidity or moisture
tissue, and at least one is a pest in greenhouses. They
discourages earwig buildup.
are dependent on high moisture. Earwigs are active at
night; they shelter together and are quiet during the
Pesticide Application
Earwig females tend their young. They place their
Prepare a band of low mowed grass on
eggs in moist depressions or holes, guard them, groom
which residual pesticidal sprays or
them until they hatch, and take care of the early stage
granules can be applied where earwig
nymphs. Earwigs grow with gradual metamorphosis;
infestations are very high.
older nymphs and adults harbor together.
Spray in cracks next to the foundation
and under shrubbery.
Module Two, Chapter 5, Pg 3

Western Governors University

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