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![]() advantages. Covers are valid options to keep birds off
Use high pressure sprays
only where the high pressure or
selected sites, and where aesthetics are an important
water will not damage buildings or
equipment. Remove all droppings
The covers usually consist of sheet metal installed
and nest materials from the area.
at a 45 degree angle to prevent the birds from landing
To follow a more traditional method
and they usually cannot be seen from below.
when spraying is not safe, use a hook
Sometimes plastic inserts are custom-fit into the
fastened to a long pole to remove nests.
indentations in order to block off ledges. Building
When the nests are on buildings or
deterrants in at construction time should be advocated.
inhabited sites, treat the immediate nest
area with an insecticide/acaracide to
Spikes. Porcupine wire, sharp metal spikes, or
eliminate ectoparasites.
any similar "bed of nails" can stop birds from roosting
Destroy nests every two weeks during
on ledges. Where they can be used, they usually work
the spring and summer months until the
fairly well. If aesthetics are important, these devices
birds move to other nest sites.
are usually limited to areas where they cannot be
easily seen.
If pigeons are likely to drop nest
Some building designs and conditions lend
material and other debris on top of the
themselves to bird infestation. Flat ledges, openings in
newly installed spikes in an attempt to
water towers and vents, unscreened windows, and
create a new roosting surface, install
other attributes make a building an attractive location
metal spikes on potential landing sites
for roosting, nesting, and loafing. Modification or
above the installation.
repair can exclude birds.
Check metal spikes every six months
Typical solutions include replacing broken
for accumulated debris or nest material.
windows, adding screens, eliminating large crevices,
Advise clients to regularly remove
blocking openings into vents, cooling towers, and
falling autumn leaves and other matter
roof-top equipment with hardware cloth or similar
that can cover the spikes and reduce
their effectiveness. Ensure that no tree
Exclusion methods also includes the use of
branches hang over protected ledges.
netting, custom-designed sheetmetal or plastic covers,
Sticky Repellents. Sticky repellents are tacky gels
porcupine wire (Nixalite, for example), electrified
or liquids. The products are designed to be sticky
wires, and sticky repellents to keep birds from
enough to make a bird uncomfortable, but not so
roosting on ledges, roof edges, window sills, building
sticky that the birds are trapped. After a few attempts,
signs, and other surfaces favored by pest birds. Two
the birds stop trying to land on treated surfaces. The
advantages are that the birds are not killed and the
active ingredient is polybutene or a combination of
control is comparatively long-lasting.
Netting. Netting is used to block access of birds
isopolybutene (the same substances used in some
adhesive bandages) and petroleum naphthenic oils.
to large roosting areas in structures. Netting is
Before applying sticky repellents, clean
especially useful in warehouses and around mechanical
ledges that are covered by bird
equipment areas where aesthetics are of minor
droppings, feathers, and nest material
consideration. It has been used successfully on cooling
with a wire brush, paint scraper, high
towers. Plastic nets have replaced metal and fiber nets
pressure hoses, or by steam cleaning.
in bird control. Plastic nets are normally extruded
black polypropylene and are made with an ultraviolet
Ensure that surfaces are clean and dry.
inhibitor to reduce UV degradation. Knotted nets are
Seal concrete, unpainted wood, or
also available. Nets will last from 2-5 years depending
brownstone with silicone or other
on exposure to sunlight.
sealant, paint, or shellac before
Covers or Ramps. Custom-designed covers for
applying repellent. [Sticky repellents
ledges, window air conditioning units, and roof edges
will be absorbed into porous materials.]
are the best technical solution to keep birds from
Use a caulking gun to apply repellent.
infesting these sites. The high cost of this method may
The depth of the bead necessary to repel
eliminate this option on large buildings that have
different species of pest birds is roughly
extensive roosting sites; there are long-term
as follows: crows and sea gulls 3/8
Module Three Chapter 4, Pg 6
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