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![]() sea gulls 3/8 inch; pigeons l/4
Compare the stability of different
inch; starlings l/8 inch; sparrows
products by running a test on a sunny
l/16 inch. The pattern of
roof or window ledge.
application will depend on the site
Birds occasionally get stuck in sticky repellents.
and personal preference.
When this happens, their feathers will get gummed up,
Apply a straight bead on ledges and roof
and they'll be unable to fly. If a bird becomes
edges, l/2 inch from the outer edge, with
gummed up with repellent, it can sometimes be
another bead three inches in from the first,
rescued by cleaning the flight feathers with a small
or they can be applied in a zig zag.
amount of mineral spirits followed by mineral oil. In
For another option combines a straight line
most cases, cartridge applications (as described earlier)
l/2 inch from the outer edge and an "s"
will repel the birds with little risk of entanglement.
curve three to five inches back.
Ultrasonic Sound Devices
Place breaks in the bead every few feet to
avoid trapping rainwater against the building.
Ultrasonic sound devices are not effective in
For easy removal and replacement,
repelling birds. Research has demonstrated that most
apply waterproof sticky repellent tape
birds do not hear sounds in the ultrasonic range (over
20,000 cycles per second), which is why these devices
Apply bulk gels with a paint roller,
are not effective.
putty knife, or bulk caulking gun.
Other Repelling Devices
Apply liquids with a roller, brush, or
Visual devices such as owl decoys, rubber snakes,
compressed-air sprayer to girders, rods,
etc., may work for a few days, but become ineffective
sign supports, and rooftops. They can
because birds will become accustomed to their
also be used to treat the upper surface
presence (habituate). Likewise, noise-making devices
of branches in trees and bushes. The
(e.g., fireworks, distress calls, warning calls) may be
repellent should be l/16 to l/8 inch
used to disperse birds, such as roosting starlings or
thick. [Liquid application is not
black birds, but their effectiveness will diminish as
recommended for sites where the
birds habituate.
appearance of the sticky repellent would
be undesirable.]
Environmental conditions, particularly dust, make
Pigeons. In many instances, trapping can be an
a big difference in the effective life of sticky
effective supplemental control measure. Trapping is
repellents. In an area with no dust, applications should
especially effective against pigeons. Where a group of
be expected to remain effective for a year or more.
birds are roosting or feeding in a confined and isolated
Some sticky repellents come with a liquid coating that
area, trapping should be considered the primary
is sprayed onto the repellent immediately after
control tactic.
application. The liquid dries to a brittle film that
The best time to trap pigeons is in the winter
protects the material from dust and may allow it to
when their food is at a minimum. There are many
remain effective for as long as two to five years.
pigeon traps to choose from; which type and size is
Certain precautions should be followed when
best is debatable. Most pigeon trapping programs use
sticky repellents are used.
large walk-in traps. These can be four to six feet high
Remove nests.
and are designed to be disassembled and moved.
Check state and local regulations which
Another common type is a low-profile bob-trap that is
may prohibit destroying or disturbing
about eight inches to two feet high. The door or
nests containing eggs or young.
entrance through which pigeons are lured is the
Under some conditions, sticky repellents stain the
principle feature of a trap.
surfaces to which they are applied. Some products
Set traps in inconspicuous places where
melt and run when exposed to direct sun and high
pigeons commonly roost or feed and
where traps are not likely to be
Review labels and the manufacturers'
vandalized (a major risk in trapping
technical information on the effective
programs). Trap placement is important,
temperature ranges of different
and moving an inactive trap just 10-15
feet may significantly improve catches.
Module Three Chapter 4, Pg 7
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