Investigate the need for fly bait.
(5) (a) Aerial yellowjacket: Locate aerial nest.
Educate workers and supervisors on fly
Using a bee suit apply canned pressurized
biology and control.
pesticide to the entrance at the time of day
when most wasps are in the nest. Cut the
(6) Seek out infested materials that are
nest out of the shrub etc and discard it when
producing yeast: over-ripe fruit and
occupants are dead.
vegetables, open or broken cans of fruit and
(b) Ground-nesting yellowjacket: Locate nest
vegetables, sour mops and rags, moist pet
entrance in ground. Using a bee suit at the
food and bedding. Use traps baited with ripe
most appropriate time of day spray or dust
banana to locate the main infested area.
pesticide in entrance hole. Dust a plug of
Eliminate yeast producing materials.
steel wool, etc and insert it in the entrance.
(c) Yellowjacket in wall void: Locate the
Chapter 2 Stinging Insects
nest entrance in the structure. Using a bee
suit approach the entrance in the safest
(1) Several species of yellowjackets make
manner, inject spray from a canned
suspended aerial nests. They attach a paper
pressurized pesticide and plug the entrance
comb of cells to a structure or plant limb and
with pesticide dusted steel wool. Caulk up
construct a paper envelope around it. These
entrance after assurances that the nest is no
combs are enlarged, and tiers are added as
longer active.
the colony grows. The envelope is also
(d) Honeybee in wall void: Locate the colony
enlarged to accommodate growth. A
entrance. Inspect inside the structure as well
common example of this yellowjacket group
as outside. Using a bee suit inject spray in
is the bald faced hornet. Many other species
the entrance using a canned pressurized
nest in the ground and start the first paper
pesticide and plug the hole with pesticide
comb of cells in an existing hole; later, they
dusted steel wool. As soon as it can be
add combs and enlarge the hole. Several
ascertained that honeybees are no longer
species, particularly t h e G e r m a n
alive remove comb, dead bees, honey, etc.
yellowjacket, Vespula germanica make nests
Do not let the comb and honey supply melt
in wall voids and attics of structures.
and run.
(2) Species of Polistes, the paper wasps, attach
Chapter 3 Spiders
a single paper comb of cells to a structure or
plant twigs. This comb is enlarged around
(1) The female black widow has a shiny jet
the edge but additional tiers are not added
black body and legs. Her globose abdomen
nor is it covered by a paper envelope.
is proportionally large with a red hour glass
design on the belly. This design can be
(3) Mud daubers are non social wasps with
easily seen and taken as a warning since the
fertile, single queens that gather mud and
black widow hangs upside down in her cob
construct cells attached to structures. These
web. Male black widows are small striped
females sting and paralyze spiders and place
and harmless.
them in cells along with a wasp egg. The
wasp grub hatches, eats the paralyzed
(2) The brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa
spiders, pupates, and the following spring,
has a brown cephalothorax with a dark violin
emerges as an adult male or female. These
shaped design on the dorsal surface. The
wasps mate, and the females continue the
abdomen is a tan brown color with no
annual cycle.
distinctive markings. The brown recluse is
found in houses within an arched shaped
(4) (a) A division of labor by groups within the
geographical range encompassing states in
colony e.g., a queen, worker daughters, and
the south and midwest bordered by Texas,
Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois,
(b) Several "generations" of young are
Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. Several
produced by the same mother, some of
other species of closely related recluse
which enter into colony life expanding the
spiders are found in the southwestern deserts
and one is regularly introduced from the
nest and caring for the young (infertile
worker daughters), while others (fertile
Mediterranean area. None of these latter
species is considered particularly harmful.
males and females) leave the nest to mate
with other reproductives. Some colonies exist
(3) Inspect accumulations of logs, wood, bricks,
only one or at most two years, e.g.,
construction materials as well as stacks of
yellowjackets. Others exist for many years,
baskets and equipment that has not been
e.g. ants, honeybees.
Appendix A, Pg 2