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(6) Crab lice are typically transmitted from
moved for some time. Privies, sheds and
inside such things as water meters are
person to person during sexual intercourse.
potential nesting places. Black widows move
These lice are usually found in human pubic
into secluded spaces and remain if they are
not disturbed, Be careful when reaching into
potential black widow nesting places.
Chapter 5 Miscellaneous Invaders
(1) Boxelder bugs. Adults and nymphs come
(4) Inspect rooms and spaces in a home that are
down female boxelder trees and fly to houses
little used by occupants. Examples are guest
to overwinter. The bugs work their way
rooms and furniture, little used closets,
inside and become reactivated on warm
behind heavy furniture, clothes hanging from
winter days. For pest management the trees
past seasons without being disturbed or
supporting the bug populations should be
worn. When spiders live outside in the
identified. Usually boxelder trees are weed
southern portion of its range look in window
trees and can be cut and removed. Window
wells, and accumulations of undisturbed
frames and door frames should be tightened
materials near the structure.
up by weather stripping and caulking. Bugs
can be killed as they crawl down the trees or
(5) D
on the sides of houses by using pesticide
Caulk and tighten structures to keep
sprays as well as plain water and detergent
spiders from wandering in.
sprays. Bugs inside can be killed by contact
Get rid of accumulations of trash near
sprays or vacuumed. Attics should be
monitored since many bugs enter at this level
Modify lighting arrangements that attract
to overwinter.
flying insects that become spider prey.
Inspect flower arrangements brought
(2) Clover mites. These small red mites carry
two long legs in front of them as they move
Keep webs brushed out.
from grass sod or from wall voids on late
Use residual sprays or dusts in spider
winter days when temperatures reflecting
from the south sides of houses and adjoining
Use barrier spray around buildings where
yards are raised in small localized areas.
spiders are an obvious and threatening
Clover mites thrive in new lawns but cease
problem but follow with other pest
activity in cold weather or hot weather.
management procedures also.
Populations are reduced as lawns and
landscapes mature, but until then mites are
Chapter 4  Mites, Ticks, Bedbugs and Lice
attracted to warm houses by the thousands.
Fall populations may migrate into wall voids
(1) First, establish that pesticides should not be
and join the later winter movements.
used in the school for these pests. Close
Barriers of gravel covered plastic can be
inspections of pupils and siblings should be
dusted or sprayed on infested sides of
made in their homes, especially homes of
houses.  Where high infestations are
students where the teacher has observed
monitored the lawn can be treated also.
louse nits in their hair. Emphasize how head
Inside vacuuming will remove migrating
lice can be transmitted and that safe
preparations to control head lice can be
obtained and should be used according to
(3) Millipedes are cylindrical arthropods with
label directions.
two pairs of legs per segment. These pests
live in moist plant material and feed on plant
(2) Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted
parts and fungi in decaying leaves.
Centipedes are cylindrical or long flattened
(3) Lyme disease: Northern deer tick, Ixodes
arthropods with one pair of legs per body
segment. Centipedes feed on very small
insects. Like millipedes, they live in
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: The
American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis
decaying plant material. The house centipede
lives in basements of homes and buildings.
and in some areas possibly the lone star tick,
Amblyomma americanum.
They have very long legs and usually live
inside rather than outside.
(4) None.
Millipedes and centipedes must be
excluded from buildings by tightening cracks
and crevices that serve as entrances. Their
(5) None.
breeding sites such as mulching and leaf
Appendix A, Pg 3

Western Governors University

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