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![]() LD50 the more acutely toxic the pesticide.
INSECTICIDE-- A pesticide used to manage or
LEACHING-- The movement of a substance with
prevent damage caused by insects. Sometimes
water downward through soil.
generalized to be synonymous with pesticide.
METAMORPHOSIS - - A change in the shape, or
INSECTS, INSECTA-- A class in the phylum
form, of an animal. Usually used when referring to
Arthropoda characterized by a body composed of three
insect development.
segments and three pairs of legs.
INSPECTION-- To examine for pests, pest damage,
chemical by microorganisms.
other pest evidence, etc. (See Monitoring.)
MICROBIAL PESTICIDE-- Bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and other microorganisms used to control pests.
Also called biorationals.
IPM-- Integrated pest management. A planned pest
MICROORGANISM-- An organism so small it can
control program in which methods are integrated and
be seen only with the aid of a microscope.
used to keep pests from causing economic, health-
related, or aesthetic injury. IPM includes reducing
MITICIDE-- A pesticide used to control mites (see
pests to a tolerable level. Pesticide application is not
the primary control method, but is an element of IPM
- as are cultural and structural alterations. IPM
MODE OF ACTION-- The way in which a
programs stress communication, monitoring,
inspection, and evaluation (keeping and using records).
pesticide exerts a toxic effect on the target plant or
JUVENILE HORMONE-- A hormone produced by
an insect that inhibits change or molting. As long as
MOLLUSCICIDE-- A chemical used to control
juvenile hormone is present the insect does not develop
snails and slugs.
into an adult but remains immature.
MONITORING-- 0ngoing surveillance. Monitoring
LABEL-- All printed material attached to or on a
includes inspection and recordkeeping. Monitoring
pesticide container.
records allows technicians to evaluate pest population
suppression, identify infested or non-infested sites, and
LABELING-- The pesticide product label and other
manage the progress of the management or control
accompanying materials that contain directions that
pesticide users are legally required to follow.
NECROSIS-- Death of plant or animal tissues which
LARVA (plural Larvae)--The developmental stage
results in the formation of discolored, sunken, or
of insects with complete metamorphosis that hatches
necrotic (dead) areas.
from the egg. A mature larva becomes a pupa. (Some
other invertebrates have larvae, including crustaceans,
NONTARGET ORGANISM-- Any plant or animal
and especially mites and ticks).
other than the intended target(s) of a pesticide
LC50-- Lethal concentration. The concentration of a
pesticide, usually in air or water, that kills 50 percent
NYMPH-- The developmental stage of insects with
of a test population of animals. LC50 is usually
gradual metamorphosis that hatches from the egg.
expressed in parts per million (ppm). The lower the
Nymphs become adults.
LC50 value, the more acutely toxic the chemical.
ORAL TOXICITY-- The ability of a pesticide to
L D50-- Lethal dose. The dose or amount of a
cause injury or acute illness when taken by mouth.
pesticide that can kill 50 percent of the test animals
One of the common exposure routes.
when eaten or absorbed through the skin. LD50 is
expressed in milligrams of chemical per kilogram of
body weight of the test animal (mg/kg). The lower the
O R G A N O P H O S P H A T E S - - A large group of
Appendix C, Pg 5
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