pesticides that contain the element phosphorus and
generally a hospital, which has current information as
inhibit cholinesterase in animals.
to the proper first aid techniques and antidotes for
PARASITE-- A plant, animal, or microorganism
poisoning emergencies. Centers are listed in telephone
living in, on, or with another living organism for the
purpose of obtaining all or part of its food.
POPULATION-- Individuals of the same species.
PATHOGEN-- A disease causing organism.
The populations in an area make up a community (see
EQUIPMENT-- Devices and clothing intended to
PRECIPITATE-- A solid substance that forms in a
protect a person from exposure to pesticides. Includes
liquid and settles to the bottom of a container. A
such items as long-sleeved shirts, long trousers,
material that no longer remains in suspension.
coveralls, suitable hats, gloves, shoes, respirators, and
other safety items as needed.
PREDATOR-- An animal that attacks, kills, and
feeds on other animals. Examples of predaceous
animals are hawks, owls, snakes, many insects, etc.
PEST-- An undesirable organism: (1) any insect,
PROFESSIONAL-- One who is able to make
rodent, nematode, fungus, weed, or (2) any other form
judgments based on training, experience, and an
of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus,
available data base.
bacteria, or other micro-organism (except viruses,
bacteria, or other micro-organisms on or in living man
PROPELLANT-- The inert ingredient in pressurized
or other living animals) which the Administrator
products that forces the active ingredient from the
declares to be a pest under FIFRA, Section 25(c)(l).
PESTICIDE-- A chemical or other agent used to
PUPA (plural Pupae)--The developmental stage of
ill, repel or otherwise control pests or to protect from
insects with complete metamorphosis where major
a pest.
changes from the larval to the adult form occurs.
pH-- A measure of the acidity/alkalinity of a liquid:
acid below pH7; basic or alkaline above pH7 (up to
pesticide applied to a plant, animal, unit area, or
surface; usually measured as per acre, per 1,000
square feet, per linear feet, or per cubic feet.
PHEROMONE-- A substance emitted by an animal
to influence the behavior of other animals of the same
REENTRY INTERVAL-- The length of time
species. Some are synthetically produced for use in
following an application of a pesticide when entry into
insect traps.
the treated area is restricted.
P H O T O D E G R A D A T I O N - - Breakdown of
REGISTERED PESTICIDES-- Pesticide products
chemicals by the action of light.
which have been registered by the Environmental
Protection Agency for the uses listed on the label.
PHYSICAL CONTROL-- Habitat alteration or
changing the infested physical structure; e.g., caulking
REPELLENT-- A compound that keeps insects,
holes, cracks, tightening around doors, windows,
rodents, birds, or other pests away from plants,
moisture reduction, ventilation, etc.
domestic animals, buildings, or other treated areas.
PHYTOTOXICITY-- Injury to plants caused by a
R E S I D U A L P E S T I C I D E - - A pesticide that
chemical or other agent.
continues to remain effective on a treated surface or
area for an extended period following application.
POINT OF RUNOFF-- The point at which a spray
starts to run or drip from the surface to which it is
RESIDUE-- The pesticide active ingredient or its
breakdown product(s) which remains in or on the
target after treatment.
Appendix C, Pg 6