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|| Certificates. Reports or certificates of conformance (CoC) shall accom-
pany all shipments of piling, building poles, power poles, lumber, timbers, and plywood produced
under lot inspection procedures. Reports or CoC's shall show actual test results for penetration
and retention of preservative, as well as, conformance to other requirements of a standard, such as,
KDAT (Kiln Dried After Treatment) when required.
6.2.5 Inspection Methods. Spot inspections should be conducted in a two-step sequence of
checks for compliance with material standards, followed by checking for compliance with treat-
ment specifications. Generally, one should look for brands, marks or stamps that evidence inspec-
tion of the commodity prior to treatment (in the white) and that verify independent inspection
after treatment. Since brands are sometimes difficult to locate on railroad ties, increment borings
may be made to inspect the level of treatment. Specific procedures for spot checking poles, piling,
railroad ties, lumber, timber, and plywood are given below.
There are two types of poles; round building poles and power poles.
To check for evidence of inspection prior to treatment, look on the tip (top) end of the poles for a
brand that identifies the inspection agency and the inspector (Figure 6-1). Upon inspection "in the
white", poles which meet material standards are hammer stamped on the tip end. This is the only
stamp that is ever put on the tip end.
To determine the type of treatment and preservative retention level, check the brand applied by
the supplier. Following preservative treatment, poles are branded on the face side of the pole 10
feet from the extreme butt for poles 50 feet or shorter and 14 feet from the extreme butt for poles
over 50 feet long. These brands contain the following information:
Supplier's Name
Plant Designation
Year of Treatment
Species of Timber and Preservative Treatment.
Preservative Retention
Class and Length
The symbols used for preservatives and wood species are shown in Table 6-1.
Power poles are treated in accordance with the appropriate federal standard or AWPA Standard
C4 and are inspected under Power Pole Standard REA DT-5C. To determine that power poles
have been inspected, check for a hammer mark of an approved inspector/agency on the butt end of
each pole (See Figure 6-1). The brand must contain the letters WQC or equivalent quality mark.