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9.3 Quality Assurance Guidance. All personnel involved in the
receipt of treated wood products should familiarize themselves with the
quality assurance procedures detailed in NAVFAC MO-312.2, Field
Guide for the Receipt and Inspection of Treated Wood Products By In-
stallation Personnel. This document provides users with a step by step
process for quality assuring wood products.
9.4 Plant Inspection. The Contracting Officer reserves the right
to perform plant inspections of the products being treated. The Con-
tracting Officer is allowed unlimited access to the plant with inspection
privileges for all facets of the treating process.
9.5 Branding or Marking.
9.5.1 Background. This requirement is frequently
overlooked by activities during the procurement and receipt of treated
wood products. Omission of this requirement on specifications, or
failure of activity personnel to reject unmarked materials upon delivery
can be costly to the activity. Materials found to be non-conforming to
specifications after delivery may not be returnable to the contractor, be-
cause unmarked products cannot be identified as belonging to a specific
contract or contractor. The activity is then left with the option of either
installing inferior materials, which will predictably fail prematurely, or
utilize these materials for less critical projects where premature failures
are less costly to repair.
Marking or branding of wood products also serves another important
function; that of providing activities with a means of evaluating product
performance. All branding requirements must minimally require the
type of treatment, the name of the treater and the treatment year. This
information provides activity inspectors with the means to evaluate
product performance which will subsequently identify shortcomings in
the Quality Assurance Program. Branding also allows activities to
evaluate product performance by given treaters. Thus, branding require-
ments are critical to the success of any Quality Assurance Program.
9.5.2 Requirements.
General: Treated material shall be either hammer or heat branded, or
metal tagged in accordance with AWPA Standards M1 and M6.
Piles: If poles are specified for ultra treatment under AWPA standard

Western Governors University

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