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![]() for each appropriate functional or cost account. If full job accounting is
received, the work classification Minor Work is not used. This does not
preclude the term scheduling minor described in Chapter 9.
SPECIFIC JOB ORDERS. Specific Job Orders (labor class code 07) authorize
accomplishment of a specific amount of work. They are planned and estimated,
scheduled, and individually cost accounted for financial and performance
a. Processing. A Specific Job Order is processed as described in
Appendix A, Procedure Charts 5, 7, and 8, A change in scope of work requiring
either an increase or decrease will be processed in the same manner as the
original Specific Job Order (See paragraph 13) specifically referencing the
original order.
b. Types of Work.
Specific Job Orders will be issued for the following
types of work:
(1) Each job performed for another department, or field activity,
that is individually authorized by a Request for Performance of Work (NAVCOMPT
Form 2275). or its equivalent.
(2) All work on Harried Officers' Quarters where expenditure
limitations require individual job cost accumulation (See NAVFAC P-930, Navy
Family Housing Manual).
(3) Each job order issued to correct faulty work when, in the
judgment of the Public Works Officer, the necessity for such work arose from
faulty workmanship by Public Works Department Personnel. (see paragraph 8b)
(4) Jobs in excess of the Minor Work Authorization cut-off point.
(See paragraph 6.c. below)
(5) Each job funded from other than Public Works funds for which
separate accumulation of costs has been requested by the customer.
C. Cut-Off Point for Specific Job Orders. Specific Job Order minimum
cut-off point must be determined by analysis that considers both the
percentage of the work to be accounted for in detail and the relative
administrative costs of processing individual Specific Job Orders. One
objective is to establish adequate work force control at minimum cost. If the
number of jobs in excess of the Emergency/Service Work Authorization cut-off
point is not excessive, all of these jobs should be processed as Specific Job
Orders, provided a heavy administrative workload is not created for the Fiscal.
Office. If minor work authorizations are used, the cut-off point should not
exceed 80 labor hours except under very unusual circumstances. It has been
generally determined that, after deducting for emergency/service work, fixed
assignments, leave, and other overhead elements, approximately 75 percent of
the remaining work force should be subjected to the controls provided by
individual job cost reporting procedures. This means that the larger jobs
will be classified as Specific Job Orders. The remaining 25 percent of the
work force will be used on smaller jobs classified as Minor Work
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