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![]() cost or long lead-time for replacement. Generally, PMI should be performed by
shop personnel under shop supervision. It is the basic responsibility of the
inspection function to determine what is to be inspected and how often. Such
determinations would normally be made with advice and assistance of the shop
personnel, Navy publications, and manufacturer's brochures involved.
Breakdowns should be reported immediately to the cognizant supervisor or to
work reception and control. Deficiencies found are reported in deficiency
reports to the appropriate personnel through the inspector's supervisor.
Functions of the inspection personnel include reviewing reported deficiencies,
initiating further action if required, and evaluating, at the time of Control
Inspection, the effectiveness of the PMI program.
c. CONTROL INSPECTION. Control Inspection is a scheduled examination
and/or test of shore facilities to determine the physical condition with
respect to the required level of maintenance. Control Inspection objectives
are: (1) to provide for examination of all shore facilities items not
covered by Operator Inspection or PMI, (2) to assure adequacy of Operator
Inspection and PMI, (3) to obtain a reduction in the number of equipment
breakdowns and cost of repairs, (4) to provide an evenly balanced flow of
work to the Operating Division or contractors, (5) to allow improved planning
for utilization of labor and determination of material requirements, and (6)
to detect and reduce over-maintenance. Control inspection is performed by
inspection personnel assigned to either the Inspection Branch or Planning &
Estimating function, or made by others under the supervision of the FME
Division when these personnel are not available. Control Inspectors do not
make adjustments on equipment, but shall report deficiencies to the Branch
Manager. Breakdowns-shall be reported immediately to the cognizant
supervisor, or to the Work Reception and Control Branch. To classify and
document deficiencies at the time of inspection, use Inspector's Report
identified in MO-322 Volume 1. Emergency/Service and Minor Work information
should also be recorded on the Inspection Report. When Inspection Reports are
complete, the Branch Manager retains the summary sheet for control purposes
and processes the Inspector's Report. The Facilities Management Engineering
Director should review the Inspection Summaries; accept, correct, or reject;
and forward for posting on Work Input Control Charts and for work
d. SPECIALIZED INSPECTION. Specialized Inspection is a scheduled
examination of systems or components that require specialized expertise or
equipment to determine condition. The Specialized Inspection program is
administered by EFDs. Examples of Specialized Inspections are:
(1) Moisture detection in built-up roofing
(2) Under-water inspection of waterfront facilities
Results of Specialized Inspection should be integrated with findings of the
Control Inspection program to determine overall facility condition.
4. NON-INSPECTION WORK GENERATION. Work generated by this method includes
work requests (see Figure 6-1) made by personnel other than designated
operators or inspectors. For emergency or breakdown situations, it includes
the report made to the work receptionist. Written requests involving
emergencies and breakdowns need no controls other than those prescribed in
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