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![]() h. The board should provide a means for backlog computation by Work
i. The board should show a comparison to the shopload plan by clearly
identifying work not on the shopload plan.
The following are examples of a Master Schedule Board.
a. Sections. Figures 9-3, 9-4, and 9-5 show a plastic covered board that
meets all of the above criteria and is considered the most acceptable. This
Master Schedule Board is divided into three sections. The first section
(Figure 9-3) lists all jobs that are awaiting materials. The second section
(Figure 9-4) list those jobs that are awaiting scheduling. The third section
(Figure 9-5) lists all jobs whose schedule approved at the weekly scheduling
meeting. It is generally referred to as the "active" board. The complete
Master Schedule Board should list all major jobs in the shops. The format of
Work Input Control Charts (Figure 7-6) containing the Short Range Shopload
Plan for a three-month period may be substituted for the format of Master
Schedule Board Sections on Awaiting Material (Figure 9-3) and Awaiting
Scheduling (Figure 9-4).
b. Colors and Codes. This board can be enhanced by judicious use of
colors and codes. The following have been used to good advantage:
(1) Each Work Center is identified by a different color. Thus,
individual Work Center scheduled work may be easily identified in the various
weeks shown on the board.
"Scheduled" labor hours are posted in BLACK figures.
"Actions" labor hours are posted in RED figures.
(4) A RED circle indicates the specific Work Center has completed its
portion (or all) of the job.
(5) "W" in the Remarks column indicates weather held up the job.
Other codes may be developed to meet local requirements.
7. SCHEDULE DEVIATIONS. All schedule deviations should be noted and
carefully considered by the Facilities Management Engineering and Maintenance
Division Directors. Changes that cause a job to be added or deleted from a
Shopload Plan should be approved by the Public Works Officer or his designee.
Nonadherence to schedule may adversely affect economical work performance. An
early deviation investigation helps determine whether the job can be
accomplished as originally scheduled, or whether additional resoures may be
required. Procedure Chart No. 9 shows the various scheduling process steps.
8. MINOR WORK CONTROL BOARD OR LOG. The Minor Work Control Board or Log
controls small planned and estimated jobs that fall beneath the cut-off point
for master scheduling. A visual device similar in format to Figure 9-6 has
proven useful at many field activities. All Minor Work Authorizations can be
controlled in this manner as well as many of the smaller Specific Job Orders,
such as customer financed jobs. In addition to providing effective visual
control, it also lends itself to backlog compilation for those small jobs that
are not posted on the Master Schedule Board or Work Control Charts.
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