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The Baseline Inventory expands upon
2.2.5 Real Property Baseline Inventory.
the Real Property Inventory and gives detailed information on components or sub-com-
ponents. It is used to identify unique/special inspection, certification, or maintenance
requirements for use in Facilities Support Contracts or work scheduling. It should con-
tain such items as the number and kind of piles supporting a pier, the total number of
railway ties in the system and number in the replacement program. Square feet of roof-
ing by type and facility, length of a distribution system section according to size and type
of pipe (including cathodic protection and rectifiers), and other detailed information
should also be included.
2.3 INSPECTION TYPES. The Continuous Inspection Program is comprised of three
types of inspection: (1) Operator, (2) Preventive Maintenance, and (3) Control. Ef-
fective planning and execution of these inspections ensures a comprehensive examina-
tion of all facilities and equipment.
2.3.1 Control Inspection (CI). Control Inspection is a scheduled structural,
mechanical and electrical examination of facilities conducted throughout the year to
determine physical condition. CI is the cornerstone of the Continuous Inspection Pro-
gram. Other types of inspections such as command, safety inspections and user inspec-
tions can supplement and support Control Inspections. It is advantageous to encourage
informal reports from Master-at-Arms, building "monitors," and facility occupants.
Booklets or written instructions on the care and operation of components of a facility
for occupant use are also helpful. Feedback from the users' perspective enables Public
Works to monitor the "health" of a facility between scheduled inspections. Supplemen-
tal inspection input should be reviewed prior to the scheduled CI and appropriate infor-
mation included in the CI Report. Control Inspection is the primary source of work
generation. It should produce the majority of shop and contract maintenance and repair
workload. AIS and budget base data is a natural by-product of effective CI. Specialized Inspection. Specialized Inspections are investiga-
tions, tests or observations that require special skill or equipment. Specialized inspec-
tions include: Waterfront, Electrical Systems, Automated Control Systems, Elevators,
Fleet Moorings, Roofing, Surfaced Areas/Airfield Pavements, Coatings/Composite
Materials, Mechanical Systems, Underground Utilities, Petroleum Fuel Facilities,
Trackage, Bridges/Trestles, Underground Structures, Corrosion Control/Cathodic
Protection, Pest Management Programs, Antenna Towers. Inspections in general are
performed by EFDs/EFAs on a reimbursable basis. Certain EFDsEFAs are tasked to
provide specialized expertise and act as the "lead" in specific technical areas. The objec-
tives of this are to:
Develop and maintain recognized experts in specific areas.
Concentrate on technical provisions and standards.

Western Governors University

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