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Support activities, other EFDs/EFAs and NAVFACENGCOM in
highly technical matters.
Specialized Inspections are part of Control Inspection for areas where special expertise
is required, but unavailable. These inspections are normally conducted on facilities and
equipment which impact safety or mission. They provide feeder information to the Con-
trol Inspector and indicate if detailed engineering investigations and designs are re-
quired. Engineering Investigation. Engineering Investigations are one
time highly technical studies requested by Control Inspectors based on a need. They
may be conducted to determine the cause of a defect, extent of damage, ability of a
facility to function, safety limitations, or condition of the facility or component. In addi-
tion, they may provide background information to supplement or support other
programs and studies. A dialogue should be established between Engineering and
FMED to review previous, current and proposed studies and other pertinent informa-
2.3.2 Preventive Maintenance Inspection (PMI). PMI consists of examination,
lubrication, minor adjustments and/or minor repair of dynamic equipment to which a
specific operator is not assigned. The Work Generation Branch of the FMED deter-
mines what to inspect and the job specifications. The Shore Facilities Inspection (SFI)
Module of Public Works Management Automation/Base Engineering Support, Techni-
cal (PWMA/BEST) will be helpful in facilitating the implementation and administration
of a PMI Program. (See Chapter 8 for more information on PWMA/BEST.)
2.3.3 Operator Inspection. This includes examination, lubrication, and minor
adjustments of equipment and systems for which the PWD is responsible and to which
an operator is assigned. Safety and maintenance checks shall be included in Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPS) and shall be conducted as listed in activity regulations
and manufacturers' literature. Continuous observations shall be made when equipment
is operating.
2.3.4 Certification Inspections. The intent of Certification Inspections is to en-
sure functional reliability and safety and to prevent property damage or personal injury.
Certification of certain type facilities, components or sub-components is recommended
and is sometimes mandatory. Elevators, Graving Drydocks, Crane and Railroad Track-
age, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels, Hyperbaric Facilities require certification.
Information regarding certification requirements of these areas is in respective NAV-
FAC Maintenance and Operations (MO) Manuals or instructions. The Certification
program is designed to identify and classify defects according to hazard or

Western Governors University

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