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![]() has been made, better time values are available for adjusting schedules. Activities using
PWMA/BEST may use the SFI module to generate and refine inspection times.
3.5 PREPARING TO INSPECT Prior to on-site inspection the inspector should
analyze work control files including E/S files to determine if major deficiencies exist or
are developing. The status of work planned or in progress should be considered and ad-
dressed in the Inspection Report. Work on the current shop load plan should be in-
cluded on the Inspection Report and noted that Job Order "X" will correct a specific
deficiency. New deficiencies with a significant impact on currently planned or
authorized work should be noted on the Inspection Report and brought to
management's attention. This allows management to modify job orders thus reducing
or preventing costly delays during work accomplishment. Jobs on the Shop Load Plan
should be modified to include correction of appropriate newly discovered deficiencies,
if prudent. Review of E/S work can reveal potential problems or highlight intermittent,
cyclic or seasonal occurrences. Additional items that should be included on the inspec-
tion planning and preparation checklist are to:
n Be familiar with Activity's Master Plan for Facility use and general
Obtain facility floor plans.
Obtain listings, status and appropriate documentation for major alteration
and maintenance projects.
Determine craft codes and labor rates.
Determine maintenance cycles with respect to painting schedules,
long-range maintenance plans, etc.
n Obtain a list of pertinent contracts and warranties.
n Obtain lists of building tenants and maintenance persons.
Establish Facility priority (LMC).
n Arrange security clearance for the inspection.
n Determine special safety precautions that must be observed:
radioactivity, asbestos, confined spaces air sampling, hard hat/safety
glasses/safety shoe requirements, weak roof areas, inspector physical
exams, etc.
n Resolve any interference with other inspections or audits scheduled for
accomplishment: energy audit, asbestos, roofs, security or fire protection.
n Determine special tool and test equipment requirements, and define the
depth of diagnostics intended during the conduct of the inspection.
n Notify the building manager/user of the planned inspection and request
preliminary user feedback of known trouble areas.
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