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Mechanical and Electrical Control Inspectors must monitor PMI program effectiveness
and recommend changes where needed. To do this, they must be familiar with the
scope and frequencies of Preventive Maintenance Inspections. Inspectors should also
be involved in review of PMI feedback reports and E/S analysis. There is seldom need
for structural PMI.
DEFICIENCIES. A deficiency is considered to be Critical if: (1) it must be corrected
within 12 months and (2) it will impact mission, affects quality of life or has safety or en-
vironmental hazard potential. Deficiencies not meeting these two (2) criteria (time and
type) are Deferrable. A critical deficiency that has existed for more than four (4) years is
to be classified as deferrable. Processing and programming deficiencies for correction is
a Work Generation Branch function within the FME Division. This requires FME
Division Management to ensure that:
n The deficiency scope and year of correction be defined.
n The deficiency be included in a maintenance action plan. If it is Special
Project scope, it should be submitted to the major claimant for
programming or in the case of NIF activities, approved for inclusion in
the NIF overhead budget for recapture.
NOTE: Activities utilizing the PWMA/BEST Work Input Control (WIC) module can
track deficiencies from inception to Facility history files.
3.8 CONTRACTOR ASSISTANCE. An activity may determine that contractor assis-
tance is required for Control Inspections. They can examine facilities/systems to deter-
mine physical condition and provide reports identifying deficiencies and estimated
costs. In addition, they can develop Step I Special Project documentation for deficien-
cies exceeding the Commanding Officer's funding authority. Input of deficiency data
(as job packages) into the activity's ADP system can also be made part of the
contractor's responsibility.
Assistance in obtaining contractor support is available by submitting an Engineering Ser-
vices Request (ESR) to the EFD/EFA, The EFD/EFA will prepare an Engineering Ser-
vices contract for award to a qualified A-E firm. Pre-negotiation and on-site "kickoff"
meetings with EFD/EFA, activity, and contractor personnel is an essential step. They
ensure all parties understand contract requirements and quality of expected products.
To help ensure a successful product, activity involvement throughout the contract is es-
sential. Initially, the activity should provide the contractor with facilities and location
maps, units of measure, Facility History Files, drawings, and Service Call history. The
activity should randomly conduct comparison inspections to ensure "product satisfac-
tion." Specification packages are available from NAVFAC EFDs/EFAs to assure a

Western Governors University

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