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![]() 4.2.1 Preparation of "Detailed Deficiency List". The Inspection Report is the
key to the Shore Facilities Inspection/Assessment System. Incomplete, inaccurate
reports result in confusion, extra paper work, avoidable cost, and may endanger life and
property. Inspectors should be instructed in inspection report preparation. Inspectors
should describe deficiencies on the "Detailed Deficiency List" (Figure 4-3). Attempt to
record the true cause of a problem. A separate sketch may describe work more clearly
and be attached as a supplement. Inspectors should concisely describe each deficiency
and recommend corrective action. Inspectors shall designate each deficiency as Defer-
rable or Critical using guidelines in OPNAVINST 11010.34. They should prepare a
preliminary cost estimate (labor and material or contract costs) to correct each deficien-
cy (see paragraph 4.2.4). Although Control Inspectors generally do not make adjust-
ments to equipment, it is permissible at small activities if Inspectors are qualified and
authorized. The report should contain enough detail to enable a job order to be written
without revisiting the job site. Inspectors should ask these questions before releasing
the report: (1) Could a final estimate for labor and material costs be made from my
description? (2) Is there enough information for FMED personnel to make intelligent
decisions concerning priorities and funding? (3) Could the deficiency be corrected from
the information on my report? The report form is designed for deficiencies of Specific
Work scope; however, Emergency/Service and Minor Work deficiencies can also be
recorded and processed. Inspection reports will reflect three types of findings:
New finds. Original, first time deficiencies not previously documented.
n Known deficiencies. A known problem that has not been corrected.
The cost estimate and scope of work may require revision because of
deterioration (or partial correction of the problem).
No deficiency finds. This should be recorded and kept on file. Report Accuracy. Thorough reporting is important. Inspectors
sometimes ask: "Why keep reporting the same deficiencies? They never get corrected."
There will never be resources to correct everything so deficiencies will continue to exist.
In fact, they will get worse due to deterioration and Deferrable deficiencies will, even-
tually, become Critical. Thorough reporting is essential, especially during austere times,
Scope and cost requirements must be updated. This is needed in
the budget process. It provides justification for the current level of
funding and is the only hope for increasing funding.
Routine updating and comparative analysis permits an accurate
annual facility condition assessment. This is also a factor
considered in higher level resource decisions.
Complete reporting enables management to intelligently prioritize
all work, giving consideration to deficiencies which migrate from
Deferrable to Critical.
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