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Note: It the inspection requires going into the manhole, a gas
free test must be made before entry.
3.5.1 Inspector Responsibilities. For the inspector, inspections begin only after
inspection assignments are made and research is completed. The inspector is assigned
an individual schedule of facilities to be inspected by an assigned deadline, usually week-
ly. The inspector is responsible to schedule time to make sure that all facilities on the
list are done on time. Completion of a facility inspection means that physical inspec-
tion, writing of inspection reports, data entry to any required data bases, cost estimates,
and inventory updates have all been done.
3.5.2 Inspector Scheduling. To begin, the inspector should schedule to meet the
facility point-of-contact to discuss problems about the facility prior to actual inspection.
If the facility has any security restrictions, make arrangements to gain access and follow
procedures as prescribed by local regulations before beginning inspection.
3.5.3  Research and Folder Preparation. Before going to the facility, inspectors
should collect all information available about the area to be inspected. It is important
to determine problems known and previously reported for revision and update in the
scheduled inspection. Sources of this information include previous inspection reports
and cost estimates, currently scheduled or in-process minor and specific (Labor Class
Codes 06-07) jobs, related contract jobs and warranty data, in-process Emergency and
Service jobs, Military Construction (MCON) and Special Projects. `Much of this infor-
mation can be obtained in the form of data base reports where automated systems are in
use. Scaled floor plans (one line drawings) should also be obtained for marking
deficiency locations. Inspection Report forms should be obtained and topical informa-
tion completed. All of this information should be organized into a facility inspection
folder for ready use until the job is complete.
During inspection, inspectors should determine that equipment covered by PMI
job orders are being properly maintained. Inspectors should also note in the Inspection
Report whether equipment requires replacement due to age or condition.

Western Governors University

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