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3.8.1 Emergency/Service Work. For minor deficiencies (where labor is es-
timated to be less than 16 hours), Inspector should submit a Service call. If there could
be loss or damage to government property, essential services have been disrupted or a
personnel hazard exists, Inspector should submit an Emergency call. The Inspection
Report should be annotated accordingly.
3.8.2 Safety Hazards. Where safety hazards are found, Inspector should immedi-
ately notify:
n Activity's Safety Office
Inspector Supervisor
n Activity's Staff Civil Engineer or Facilities Management Engineering
Division Director
3.8.3 Use of Repair/Replacement Criteria:
Repair/replacement criteria in the Inspection Guides should be used to determine
if a system or component should be repaired or replaced. Inspectors should use trade
knowledge along with these Guides to make repair or replacement decisions. Age
alone may not be sufficient reason to replace something. Use the axiom `If this were
your house, would you replace it or repair it?`. If there is any doubt in what to do, con-
sult the Inspection Supervisor.
Note: To determine if a Special Project should be written and
how to write a Step 1 and Step 2 of a Special Project, see
NAVFAC INST 11010.20(Series). Anyone creating Special
Projects should attend the class on Special Projects offered
by Civil Engineering Corps Officer School (CECOS) or an
Engineering Field Division/Engineering Field Activity
Based on physical inspection, determine the following about the Special Project:
n  Is the scope correct?
n  Is the cost accurate?
Has inflation been considered?
Have parts or labor for the tasks increased faster than inflation?
n Is the proposed method of correction appropriate?
n Does the Project still need to be done?

Western Governors University

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