(2) Unscheduled services. When work is unscheduled, population
size must be estimated as shown at 4-630. The number of work occurrences is
determined or estimated for each billing period (usually l month) and for
the contract term (usually 12 months). It is also necessary to estimate
both the minimum and maximum population.
(f) Level of Surveillance. The level of surveillance is set at me of
two levels referred to as the normal sampling level and the minimum sampling
level in accordance with the following criteria:
Sampling level for random sampling for extrapolated deductions
(i) The sampling level at the inception of the contract is
the normal sampling level.
(ii) If the contractor's performance is such that the MADR is
not exceeded, surveillance may be decreased to the minimum
sampling level.
(iii) If the contractor's performance is such that the MADR
is exceeded, surveillance should be continued at the normal
sampling level.
sampling level for random sampling without extrapolated
deductions (RSWED).
(i) Initial level of sampling is the minimum sampling level.
(ii) If the contractor's performance is such that the MADR is
not exceeded, surveillance may be continued at the minimum
sampling level.
(iii) If the contractor's performance is such that the MADR
isexceeded, surveillance should be increased to the normal
sampling level.
(g) Determination of the Sample Size. Sample size requirements are
based on population size and the sampling level and are independent of the
MADR. population - sample size tables for normal sampling levels and
minimum sampling levels are in Appendix F, Table 1 and Table 2. The sample
sizes can also be determined using the RSED computer program available from
the EFDs.
When the services are unscheduled, the sample size for the normal sampling
level is initially determined on the basis of the estimated minimum monthly
population. An additional number of samples is required in anticipation of
the population exceeding the estimated minimum for the period.
Example: Determine the number of samples for routine service calls Using
the normal sampling level. Detailed calculations of minimum and maximum
populations are shown at 4.510.