Dip Tubes
If the dip tubes on a tank need replacement, use a material identical to the original
one. Do not use PVC.
Remember, the purpose of dip tubes is to pick up from and deliver water to different
parts of the tank. If the dip tubes are all the same length, it defeats this purpose.
Section 4.3.12 contains information on correct dip tube lengths and placement.
Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves
Leaking or inoperative temperature and pressure (T & P) relief valves must be
replaced immediately. The usual standard valve for tanks connected to city water
pressure is 210F/125 PSI.
Never use a pressure relief valve on storage tanks or other
pressurized water lines. A combination temperature and pressure
relief valve must be used for these applications. The only exceptions
are high-temperature systems. In this case, consult the system
After replacing the valve, comply with local plumbing requirements concerning
discharge lines. Usually, a drop line ending within 12 inches of the floor is required.
However, some areas have more stringent requirements.
Be sure that any water discharged by the T & P relief valve can flow to an
appropriate drain.
Missing or inadequate tank insulation must be repaired. Another layer of tank
insulation or a new jacket may be the best way to achieve this.
If the insulation is wet, it may be allowed to dry out. However, if the mechanical
room floor is wet on a regular basis, the tank should be elevated to protect the
insulation, as well as the tank.