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On tanks without diaphragms, check the sight glass to determine the fluid level.
Depending on system pressure, about half the tank volume should be air, but you
should at least be able to determine the fluid level.
6.1.3 Pumps,
Electrical Connections
Make sure all wiring, conduit and junction boxes are securely fastened. All wire
connectors and cover screws should be in place and tight. Turn shutoff switches or
breakers off and on to check them. Use an ohmmeter to confirm that the pump
motors are properly grounded.
Piping Connections and Seals
Check all pump ports for signs of leakage or corrosion, both while the pump is
running and when it is off. Look for leakage at the body seal on wet rotor pumps
and the shaft seal of external motor pumps.
Remember that packing seals are designed to drip slowly. If the leakage is too high,
compared to the manufacturer's recommendation, tighten the packing gland bolts
one-half turn at a time so the tightening is uniform. Tighten until the leakage rate is
If the pump has flanges, make sure the bolts are all in place and tighten any loose
ones. If it has isolation flanges, make sure the shutoff valves close easily and check
them for leakage.
Tighten any loose pump supports. Any rust should be removed, and the supports
Flow Rate
Check the flow rate of all pumping loops using a direct-reading flow meter, a flow-
setter and differential pressure gauge or pressure gauges on each side of the pump.
In general, the pressure change across the pump, while it is running, is converted
from PSI to Feet of Water. The manufacturers published pump curve is checked to
determine the flow rate at that pressure difference. These methods are reasonably,
but not completely, accurate. They are described in detail in Section 3.1.4.