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if it had been corrected prior to the survey. Appendix E, Do and
a n d  Recompression
Don't  Summary  of  Common
Discrepancies, and Appendix G, Hyperbaric Facility Inspection and
Audit Guide, are provided to assist commands in conducting in-house
The sponsor contacts the SCA and
On-Site Survey.
requests scheduling of an on-site survey.  The SCA sets a date and
then the SCA, or an authorized representative, visit the sponsor's
system. The certification files and supporting recordable evidence
are  reviewed  and  the  system  is  inspected  to  ensure  that  the
hardware complies with the documentation.  During the course of the
survey, discrepancy cards are prepared for items found to be less
than satisfactory.  The discrepancy may be classified as category
All IA discrepancies
IA, IB, IC, or II,  depending on severity.
must be corrected before manned use of the system, and all IB
discrepancies must be corrected before the system is certified.
All  IC  discrepancies  (normally  applicable  to  documentation  and
drawings) will be assigned a deadline date to be corrected by. IC
will  be
assigned  date(s)
However,  the  assigned  deadline
automatically  classified  IB.
date(s)  can  be  modified  by  the  SCA,  upon  request  and  proper
prior  to  expiration  of  the  deadline  date.
Discrepancies that are classed category II (desirable) may be
corrected at the sponsor's option and do not delay his pursuit of
certification or recertification.
When  the  IA  and  IB
Operational  Demonstration.
discrepancies  have  been  corrected,  the  SCA  may  request  an
operational demonstration of the system.  This exercise takes the
system to its operational limits to the satisfaction of the SCA.
After a successful demonstration of the facility the sponsor is
granted certification.
System certification is
Tenure of Certification.
not  granted  for  the  entire  design  life  of  the  equipment.  In
general,  the  time  period  for  which  system  certification  will
initially be granted (tenure of system certification) is based on
the operating and test histories of related systems.
The tenure
of certification may be negotiated to coincide with planned events
The  granting  of  system
such  as  overhaul  or  refurbishment.
certification by the System Certification Authority (SCA) does not
automatically  ensure  that  system  certification  will  remain
effective for the full stated period.  System certification shall
be terminated as a  result of the following per SS521-AA-MAN-010:
Expiration of tenure of certification.
Major Repair.
Broaching of the scope of system certification.
Recognition of the existence of an unsafe condition.
Expiration of a lease contract.

Western Governors University

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