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![]() TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
7-1. Instructions.
station log sheets, related records, and the manu-
facturer's recommendations.
a. Manufacturers provide specific instructions for
(2) Checklist.
the use and care of each of their products. Their
(a) Values. Check valve operation.
instructions are the result of wide experience ob-
(b) Fuel injection nozzles. Check fuel injec-
tained under varying conditions and should be fol-
tion nozzles for secure mounting and connections
lowed closely. Maintenance personnel should always
each time the engine is shut down. Torque down the
check equipment first for signs of physical damage
nozzles according to the manufacturer's instruc-
before performing any other checks.
b. Routine maintenance instructions consist of
(c) Starting system. Check the general condi-
scheduled inspections of prime movers, generators
tion of the air compressor, air lines, and valves,
and exciters, and switchgear. When a need for ser-
when applicable. Briefly pop open the system's
vice or repair is indicated, refer to the manufactur-
safety valve weekly. Check for proper operation. Re-
er's literature for specific information. Service
fer to manufacturer's instructions for details.
records of the auxiliary power systems are filed in
(d) Governor alarms and instruments. Check
the installation's engineering office.
operation of governor alarms and instruments. Re-
c. Maintenance information provided in this
fer to manufacturer's instructions`
manual supplements the manufacturer's instruc-
(e) Pressure gauges. Check pressure gauges
tions but does not supersede them. Checklists and
and clean exposed indicating elements. Refer to
schedules furnished herein are intended as guides
manufacturer's instructions.
for operators and service personnel.
d. Since auxiliary power systems are operated
ters and engine exhaust. A smoking exhaust indi-
intermittently, the usual time frames for routine
cates incorrect adjustments. Clean air filters as nec-
maintenance such as weekly, monthly, quarterly,
annually may not apply. Accordingly, "short-term" is
used for tasks to be performed less frequently. Ex-
ceptions are noted in the manufacturer's manual.
lines. On two-cycle engines, remove carbon from
e. Electrical systems acceptance tests are func-
exhaust ports and clean thermocouples. Refer to
tional tests to verify the proper interaction on all
manufacturer's instructions for frequency of checks.
sensing, processing, and action electrical devices. It
(h) Evaporative cooling. Refer to manufac-
is critical that these tests be performed on standby
turer's instructions for cooling tower maintenance.
generator power systems to ascertain the safe and
Inspect and oil fanshaft bearings, oil damper bear-
operational reliability of a system. A system must be
ings and linkage. Inspect spray nozzles; clean as
tested as a united series of devices in addition to the
necessary. Clean pump suction screen. Clean sump
testing of individual components. For systems that
pan. Inspect cooling coil. If scale has formed, circu-
include auto-start, auto-transfer, and/or auto-
late cleaning solution. Do not operate fan while
synchronizing equipment, every six months utility
cleaning coil. Check belts for condition and proper
electrical power should be removed (open main cir-
tension. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
cuit breaker) from a building, or part of the facility
(i) Fuel oil system. Clean fuel oil strainers as
that is supplied electrical power by commercial
required by operating conditions. Check the system
power/generation combination to ascertain that the
components for clean condition. Refer to manufac-
system will operate under abnormal conditions.
turer's recommendations.
7-2. Prime mover maintenance.
filters and centrifuges. Check fuel oil system for
Routine maintenance instructions for prime movers
leaks and correct as required. Refer to manufactur-
consist of short- and long-term checklists for diesel
er's instructions.
and gas turbine engines.
(k) Lubricating systems. Check mechanical
a. Short-term (diesels). Short-term checklist for
lubrication hourly during operation. Oil all hand
diesel engines.
lubrication points, following manufacturer's in-
(1) General comments. Before performing any
tasks required by the following checklist, review the
structions. Correct leaks.
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