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![]() TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
(l) Sight-feed Lubricators. Clean sight-feed
(d) Camshaft and drive. Check and adjust
lubricating oil strainers as necessary. Check for ad-
gears and/or timing chain. Refer to manufacturer's
equate lubricant supply.
(m) Lubricating oil filters. Check lubricating
oil filters. Clean and replace filter elements as nec-
camshaft bearing clearances. Refer to manufactur-
er's instructions.
(n) Piston assembly and connecting rods. On
(f) Fuel injection nozzle inspection. A f t e r
two-cycle engines, remove upper handhole inspec-
2000 hours of use, remove and check nozzles in the
tion cover from side of engine immediately after the
test stand. Service and adjust nozzles following
engine is shut down, and inspect the piston for
manufacturer's instruction.
proper lubrication.
(g) Fuel injection pumps. Inspect fuel injec-
(o) Cylinders and cylinder heads. Use com-
tion pumps for secure mounting, cleanliness, and
pressed air to blow out indicator connections. Clean
proper operation.
indicators and install. Refer to manufacturer's in-
(h) Fuel injection pump inspection. Disas-
semble and recondition all injection pump nozzles
(p) Crankshaft, crankpin and main bearings.
after 2000 hours of use. Repair or replace worn or
Remove crankcase covers immediately after engine
damaged parts. Reassemble and adjust, following
is shut down. Check main and crankpin bearings for
the manufacturer's instructions.
proper lubrication. Check bearing temperatures for
(i) Air Lines. Drain water from air lines and
excessive heat by hand-touch. Refer to manufactur-
tank monthly or as necessary. Drain valves are usu-
er's instructions for frequency of checks.
ally located at the lowest point(s) in the air feed
(q) Gauges and instruments. Verify that
gauges and instruments have up-to-date calibration
(j) Air valves. Clean air valves and reseat if
certifications. Read and record all indications of
necessary. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
gauges, thermometers and other instruments at
regular intervals as required by the operating log.
haul the air compressor and starting equipment
(r) Turbocharger. Observe every four hours
every five years based on frequency of use of the
during operation. Check for general condition and
auxiliary power plant.
signs of vibration. Evaluate vibration if present.
(l) Pressure gauge inspection. Check the date
(s) Turbocharger impeller. Check turbo-
of calibration. Verify that gauges have valid calibra-
charger impeller for accumulated dirt and axial
tion certification. Calibrate per manufacturer's in-
endplay. Dirt may indicate faulty filtering equip-
structions as required.
ment. Clean and service according to manufactur-
(m) Governor overhaul. Overhaul the gover-
er's instructions.
nor after 2000 hours of use or when needed as
b. Long- term (diesels). Long-term checklist for
indicated. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts.
diesel engines. Performance of checklist tasks is
Reassemble and adjust, following the manufactur-
related to frequency and extent of use of the auxil-
er's instructions.
iary power plant.
(n) Muffler (silencer). Keep the muffler and
(1) General comments. The following tasks
waste heat equipment, boiler or heat exchange
should be performed annually, unless otherwise
clean. Accumulations of unburned lubricating oil
noted, following performance of short-term checks.
and soot or carbon are potential fire hazards. Make
(2) Checklist and schedule.
sure fuel combustion is as efficient as possible. Re-
fer to manufacturer's instructions.
clean and remove carbon on two-cycle engines and
(o) Cooling systems. Inspect piping and
valves as necessary. Refer to manufacturer's in-
valves for leaks and clean the heat exchanger. Per-
form cooling system maintenance, refer to appendix
(b) Inlet valves . Inspect and regrind inlet and
D, herein, and manufacturer's instructions.
exhaust valves and valve seats as necessary. Refer
(p) Cooling tower. Drain and clean cooling
to manufacturer's instructions.
tower; clean and inspect piping, circulating pumps
(c) Valve springs and guides. Check valve
and equipment. Refer to appendix D.
spring length and tension and inspect valve stems,
(q) Cooling system service. Clean and inspect
bushings, and guides annually or after 2000 hours
entire cooling system yearly. Overhaul pumps and
of use, whichever comes first. Replace parts as nec-
recondition valves and other equipment as neces-
essary. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
sary. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
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