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![]() TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
(r) Fuel oil tanks and lines. Drain service
crankwebs for crankshaft deflection. Check journal
tanks and lines. Remove water and sediment.
level and clean oil passages. Replace bearings as
Check heating coil for proper operation. Refer to
necessary and adjust running clearance following
appendix B.
the manufacturer's instructions.
(s) Lubricating oil cooler. Clean and inspect
(ad) Turbocharger inspection. Disassemble,
lubricating oil cooler for leaks and good condition.
clean and inspect entire turbocharger following the
Clean outer surfaces more often under dusty oper-
manufacturer's instructions and specifications.
ating conditions for more efficient cooling. Refer to
(ae) General overhaul. Overhaul diesel en-
manufacturer's instructions.
gines and driven equipment every ten years or
about 16,000 hours of auxiliary use. Follow the
ally or more frequent based on number of hours run
manufacturer's recommendations and instructions.
per manufacturer's recommendations or acceptable
Comply with the manufacturer's specifications.
industrial engine maintenance procedures. Inspect
c. Short-term (gas turbines). Short-term checklist
lubricating oil pumps; flush crankcase and refill.
for gas turbines. Checks are limited to inspection
Refer to manufacturer's instructions and to the
and cleaning tasks that can be performed on the
Army Oil Analysis Program (TB 43-0210) for in-
exterior of an engine.
(1) General C omments. Before performing any
(u) Lubricating oil pump. Inspect the pump
tasks required by the following checklist, review the
after 2000 hours of use for proper operation. Refer
station log sheets, related records and the manufac-
to manufacturer's specifications for the pump.
turer's recommendations.
(v) Cylinder heads. Remove cylinder heads
(2) The follo wing precautions must be met.
according to the manufacturer's instructions after
Shut the engine down. Apply "Do not operate" tags
2000 hours of use. Inspect cylinder liners. Clean
to the operating controls. Open the engine auto-
and inspect water jackets. Remove scale&and corro-
matic start circuit. Deactivate the fire extinguishing
sion as necessary. Inspect and measure diameter of
system. Keep all engine enclosure doors open while
cylinder liners. Check gaskets for annealing, brittle-
working on the engine. Allow engine to cool down
ness or cracks. Install new gaskets if necessary.
before working on it.
(w) Piston assembly inspection. On four-
(3) Checklist.
cycle engines, pull one piston after 2000 hours of
(a) Inlet inspection. Verify that the inlet
use and inspect for proper cooling, lubrication and
drain at lower part of duct is open and free of any
carbon deposits. Inspect piston rings and wrist pin
obstruction so that moisture (rain or condensation)
and the cylinder liner for compliance with engine
can run off. Check inlet temperature sensor for
manufacturer's specifications.
signs of damage. Clean sensor and surrounding
4000 hours of engine use. Clean and inspect all
area with approved solvent to remove dirt and con-
parts for wear, proper lubrication and cooling.
taminants. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
Verify that rings and ring clearances comply with
Make sure sensor is securely attached to engine.
engine manufacturer's specifications.
(y) Cylinder inspection. Use the barring de-
gine exhaust casing, struts, and center body for
vice (jacking bar) to turn each piston to top dead
cracks, nicks and other signs of damage. Refer to
center during step x. Inspect each cylinder liner for
manufacturer's instructions. Inspect exhaust stack
scoring. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
for freedom from obstructions and general good con-
(z) Anchor bolts. Check anchor bolts for
proper torque value.
(c) Chip detectors. Engines usually have
(aa) Flywheel bolts. Check flywheel bolts for
plugs with magnetic chip detectors at lubrication
proper torque value. Refer to manufacturer's in-
sumps. During normal operation, some fuzz-like
structions. Verify alignment and coupling to genera-
particles will be found on the detectors. Also, other
tor, comply with specifications.
materials (non-metallic sludge and/or flakes, bronze
(ab) Main and crankpin bearings. Remove
powder, aluminum chips, etc.) may accumulate on
bearing caps; check journals and bearings for
the plugs. Refer to manufacturer's literature for
proper lubrication, wear or scoring. Check main
specific information. Check chip detectors for elec-
bearings for proper alignment. Refer to manufactur-
trical continuity while installed. Continuity is an
er's instructions.
indication of contamination. Remove chip detectors
(ac) Crankshaft. Verify compliance with en-
if contaminated. Discard packing and clean chip
gine manufacturer's specifications. Examine crank-
detector. Check chip detector for good thread and
shaft for cracks. Measure distance between
proper magnetism. Place new packings on chip de-
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