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allow time to prepare a study of the history of military
construction and to document selected examples.  Once the
documentation is completed, the Navy will have completed its ACHP
Section 106 obligations, and no further preservation measures
will be required for those World War II temporary buildings.
2.1.2 Nomination.  The Secretary of the Navy is responsible
for nominating historic properties that are located on Navy bases
to the Secretary of the Interior for listing on the National
Register.  Each activity Commanding Officer is responsible for
surveying the property under his\her control or jurisdiction,
inventorying those properties which appear to qualify for the
National Register, and initiating action to nominate such
properties to the National Register.  NAVFAC EFDs provide
technical guidance in applying National Register criteria: in
contracting out to qualified cultural resources professionals
(archeologists or architectural historians, depending on the
nature of the resource) , in consulting with the SHPO, in
preparing documentation, and in reviewing nominations, and
requests for determination of eligibility.  COMNAVFACENGCOM
reviews completed nominations and COMNAVFACENGCOM forwards the
nominations to appropriate Navy signatories for transmittal to
the Keeper of the National Register.
The nomination process begins with the survey and inventory
mentioned above and requires consultation and cooperation with
the SHPO.  The nomination is prepared on NPS Form 10-900 in
accordance with 36 CFR 60 guidelines and the NPS publication,
National Register Bulletin 16: Guidelines for Completing National
Register of Historic Places Forms.  Since interpreting and
applying the criteria for nomination to the National Register
requires specialized expertise, the nominations are usually
prepared by contract personnel as part of the survey and
inventory contract.
When the Navy disagrees with the SHPO as to whether a
property meets National Register criteria for listing, or when
time is of the essence, a determination of eligibility may be
sought from the Keeper of the National Register.  This shortens
the review time and does not require Navy chain-of-command
review.  The state and local review period remains the same (45
days ) .  Determination of eligibility does not automatically
result in listing on the National Register and does not satisfy
the Navy's responsibility to nominate significant properties to
the National Register.  However, properties determined eligible
are afforded the same protection as listed properties, and they
must be treated as though listed.
Navy activity is required to have a Historic and Archeological
Resources Protection (HARP) Plan, to make it as easy and
cost-efficient as possible to comply with the federal laws and
regulations. The plan identifies potentially significant
resources, evaluates eligibility for the National Register, and

Western Governors University

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