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suggests ways to mitigate adverse effects of undertakings
impacting eligible resources.  See the publication, Guidance for
Preparing Historic and Archeological Resources Protection Plans
at United states Navy Facilities, for general information on
preparing and using the HARP Plan.
Overview Survey.  A HARP Plan begins with an overview survey,
carried out by a team of qualified professionals (at least one
archeologist and one architectural historian), to identify an
installation's National Register resources and/or areas of
archeological potential.  The team reviews the NAVFAC P-164
inventory for the base in addition to written histories and maps,
visits local or regional libraries, and reviews state and federal
lists of known archeological sites and historic buildings,
structures, and objects.  Based on field visits, they note all
districts, buildings, structures, and objects that appear to be
eligible for the National Register.  They examine areas where
development may have destroyed archeological remains and identify
areas that seem likely to contain undisturbed remains.  Just as
important in a practical sense, they identify those areas and
resources that are probably not of historic, architectural, or
archeological significance.
2.2.1 Historic Property Inventory.  An inventory is prepared
listing all the resources (historic properties and archeological
sites) on the installation that are currently on the National
Register.  The inventory also lists those that appear to be
eligible for the Register.
2.2.2 Inventory Evaluation.  Each item in the Historic
Property Inventory is then reviewed and evaluated.  Some of the
considerations in this evaluation process are the importance, or
significance, of the property to the history of the installation,
locality, region or nation; the property's place in the
preservation plan for the base; and the priority associated with
the maintenance goals for the property.
2.2.3 National Resister Resource Treatment Categories.  The
Navy divides all of its cultural resources (that means every
property listed in NAVFAC P-164 and every archeological site that
is or may be eligible for the National Register) into three
general categories that recognize varying levels of historical or
architectural importance based on evaluation by qualified
The HARP Plan for each facility spells out
which buildings, structures, sites, districts, and objects have
been placed in each category.  Preservation actions, or
"treatments", required may vary with the category.  It is
important to remember that resources can be assigned to these
categories only by qualified professionals in consultation with
the Navy.  The purpose of the categorization system is to help
local activity personnel achieve the goals in the HARP Plan and
comply with Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic
Preservation Act in a cost-effective way.

Western Governors University

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