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a. Basis for inclusion. Category I resources meet the
National Register criteria and are classified by qualified
professionals as being of outstanding historical, architectural,
archeological, engineering, or cultural significance. Further,
these resources have been evaluated as retaining their
"integrity," i.e. , original and\or authentic period materials,
design, and context.
b. Treatment. The most painstaking preservation treatment
is applicable. Care must be taken to preserve significant
exterior elements, as well as character-defining interior spaces
and architectural elements that contribute to the historic or
architectural significance. Window and door openings, roof
lines, trim materials, and historic landscape features are often
of special interest to preservationists. If the resource is a
site, district, or object, take care to identify and preserve all
significant features. Do not introduce incompatible new
Concentrate on repair rather than replacement of original
materials when maintenance is performed. Repair of old building
materials and architectural features is labor intensive, but
life-cycle dollar cost is reasonable and it is a major
contributor to preservation.
If repair is not possible and replacement becomes necessary,
the new material should match the material being replaced in
composition, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities.
Modern substitute products and materials are not ordinarily
compatible and in some cases they hasten deterioration of the
original fabric.
Repair and replacement of architectural features should be
based on detailed and accurate duplication of original features,
substantiated by historical, physical, pictorial, or
archeological evidence.
Maintenance and rehabilitation of Category I resources must
be planned in accordance with The Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation of
Historic Buildings (1983), The Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Historic Preservation Projects with Guidelines for
Applying the Standards (1985), and the Navy Preservation
Maintenance Manual.
Preserve all significant features of Category I sites,
structures, districts, and objects, and take care not to
introduce incompatible new features. Monitor regularly for any
effects of natural deterioration, neglect, wear and tear, or
abuse. Follow the procedures for Section 106 consultation to
avoid adverse effects and develop appropriate corrective