a. Basis for Inclusion. Category III includes resources
that qualified professionals have concluded do not meet National
Register eligibility criteria, as well as all World War II
temporary buildings, and buildings in historic districts that
have been professionally evaluated as non-contributing elements
of the district. The first allocation of properties to this
category occurs on the basis of professional judgments made
during the Overview. Later allocations are made as potentially
eligible resources are evaluated in intensive surveys and found
not eligible for the National Register.
b. Treatment. Federal stewardship dictates proper
maintenance of all Navy properties, but no special preservation
measures are required, and no Section 106 compliance is necessary
when dealing with Category III resources. Category III resources
that are in close proximity to Category I and Category II
resources should be treated sensitively, so that they do not
produce any effect that triggers Section 106 obligations.
Category III resources must be reevaluated periodically for
National Register eligibility, in light of increasing age and
changing cultural values and eligibility criteria. For example,
as resources pass 50 years of age, they may be considered
significant. It is recommended that professional reevaluation be
scheduled to coincide with HARP Plan updates.
2.2.4 Sources of Information. The files of the SHPO may
contain a great deal of information about specific historic
properties on Navy bases, or they may provide few or no clues to
significance. They should always be checked. Books on local or
specialized history topics (such as those dealing with the
development of industrial or military equipment and processes)
often help to place the properties in context and to suggest
other sources of information. Some rich sources of "primary"
materials (the raw materials that historians use to write
history) are base maps and old base repair records. The National
Archives and Records Service in Washington, D. C., may have
drawings, maps, or other useful records. In the Library of
Congress, the Cartographic Division and the Prints and
Photographs Division may be of help.
Specifically, the Prints and Photographs Division contains
copies of measured drawings, photographs, and written data
prepared by the Historic American Buildings Survey and Historic
American Engineering Record (HABS\HAER) for selected Navy
Old photographs, which sometimes accompany construction
completion reports, are invaluable records. Many Navy
installations have one office that gathers, officially or
unofficially, historic materials about the base.
Potential sources within the Navy for historic photographs
are the local Public Works. Office, the local Public Affairs