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Office, the NAVFAC Historical Archives at Port Hueneme, CA, and
the Naval History Division at the Washington Navy Yard.
If the property has ever been in private ownership,  it is
important to look at insurance or real estate tax maps, deeds and
wills recorded in local courthouses, building and repair permits,
and newspaper records.  Most community libraries have local
history departments, with knowledgeable and helpful staffs, who
ought to be consulted.
2.3 ADAPTIVE USE PLAN.  It is Navy policy to preserve its
cultural resources (that is, to maintain them in their original
or existing condition), rather than to restore them (that is, to
return them to their appearance during some earlier historical
period).  Good, routine maintenance is the essence of
preservation.  However, it also often happens that structures
with important historic or architectural aspects must be modified
in order to meet new space or use requirements.  With careful
planning, this can almost always be done without sacrificing
historic aspects of the facility.  And, since the life cycle of a
historic facility is so long, it is usually economically
worthwhile to use methods and materials that are approved for use
on historic buildings when repair or replacement is needed.
2.3.1 Alterations, Additions, Demolition. Partial Demolition,
and Disposition.  The following list is condensed from DOI
information to serve as a guide to planning work on a historic
o Reasonable effort should be made to identify compatible
uses within a facility.
o Distinguishing characteristics should not be destroyed.
o Historic material or features should be left alone.
o Recognize buildings as being of their own time.
Alterations that attempt to recreate a previous
appearance, without the alteration being of itself
historic, should be avoided.
o Previous alterations to building's may have their own
significance and should be recognized and respected.
Distinctive style or craftsmanship should be treated with
o Repair features first, then replace with a suitable
material that matches visual qualities.  Architectural
features should be duplicated as nearly as possible from
photos, drawings, or other verifiable means rather than
guessing or using nearby buildings as a go-by.

Western Governors University

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