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permit accurate reconstruction.  Alternatively, replace
the missing feature with a new design that is compatible
with the remaining character-defining features of the
historic building and which takes into account the size,
scale and material of the historic building.  The new
design must be clearly differentiated so that a false
historic appearance is not created.
Alterations/Additions to historic buildings should not
radically change, obscure or destroy character-defining
spaces, materials, features, or finishes.  Exterior
additions should be avoided if possible.
Health and safety code requirements and energy
retrofitting, while important aspects of rehabilitation
projects, are usually not part of the overall process of
protecting or repairing character-defining features of a
historic building.  These types of work are assessed for
their potential negative impact on the buildings
historic character.  Therefore, care must be taken not
to radically change, obscure, damage, or destroy
character-defining materials or features in the process
of rehabilitation work to meet code or energy
conservation requirements.
C.4.1 DODDIR 4710.1, Archeological and Historic Resources
Management.  This directive provides policy, prescribes
procedures, and assigns responsibilities for the management of
archeological and historic resources located on land and in
waters controlled by DOD.
The purpose is to integrate archeological and historic
preservation into planning and management of DOD activities. Of
key importance is to minimize expenditures through judicious
management within the laws.  The Secretary of Defense encourages
practical, economically feasible rehabilitation and adaptive
reuse of significant historic resources.
C.4.2 OPNAVINST 5090.lA, Environmental and Natural Resources
Program Manual, Chapter 2 Historic and Archeological Resources
Protection.  This instruction sets out policy for the Navy in
following the National Historic Preservation Act and the
Archeological Resources Protection Act.  This instruction
conforms to DODDIR 4710.1 which assigns responsibilities for
management of historic and archeological resources under DOD
control for which NAVFACINST 11010.70 derives its authority.
OPNAV'S policy states:
It is Navy policy to integrate the historic and
archeological resource protection requirements of applicable
laws with the planning and management of activities under
Navy control; to minimize expenditures through judicious

Western Governors University

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