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consideration of options available in complying with
applicable laws; to encourage practical, economically
feasible maintenance, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of
National Register resources under Navy control; and to
protect significant archeological resources.
C.4.3 NAVFACINST 11010.70, Facility Planning and the
Protection of Cultural Resources. This instruction provides
amplification of DODDIR 4710.1 and OPNAVINST 5090.lA in providing
guidance and responsibilities for protecting cultural resources.
The objective outlined is to protect and maintain those resources
specified by law, and to cooperate with preservation agencies. A
synopsis of responsibilities is provided here for convenience:
NAVFACENGCOM provides the administrative oversight,
interagency liaison, and technical review for National Register
nominations and forwards materials for the appropriate Navy
signatures. NAVFACENGCOM will also review requests for
archeological excavations.
The EFD will provide technical advice to activities regarding
locating, inventorying, nominating, maintaining, and contracting
for interagency consultation and documentation of cultural
resources. The EFD will maintain the `property records for
significant resources listed by DOI on forms DOI 10-306. EFD's
will also liaison with SHPOs and with regional offices of the NPS
and the ACHP. The EFD will assist NAVFACENGCOM in interagency
Activity Commanding Officers should contact their EFD'S for
technical consultation, establishing priorities for inventories
and handling of cultural resources, contracting for needed
expertise, and handling emergencies such as discoveries during
construction, demolition, or storm cleanup.
C.4.4 US ARMY TM 5-801-1, Historic Preservation
Administrative Procedures (NOV 1975). The Army's equivalent to
the administrative guidance contained in this manual. This
manual outlines the policies and procedures to manage, maintain,
and nominate facilities through the Army's chain of command. The
companion manual, TM 5-801-2, addresses technical and maintenance
information for historic preservation.
C.4.5 US ARMY TM 5-801-2. Historic Preservation Maintenance
Procedures (FEB 1977). This manual would be most helpful for
public works organization dealing with maintenance program
considerations. Topics discussed are: structural, water
problems, roofs and flashing systems, cleaning and coating,
masonry decay, fenestration and openings, hardware and
miscellaneous metals, building regulations, emergency measures,
mothballing, special materials, substitute items, and mechanical
This manual has an extensive bibliography for additional