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Waste Source Survey: If possible, identify sources
according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
Code, as identified by the Clean Water Act and the Clean
Air Act.
(1) Waste sources
Flow sheets
Industrial wastewater piping system layout
(2) Waste volumes and variations
Survey data
Estimated volume under conditions of average,
maximum and minimum production, present and future
(3) Waste characteristics - physical, chemical, biological
Variations during a day, week, and season
Present, future
Air Emission Survey:  Determine what air pollutants will be
emitted by the proposed process and make a preliminary
quantitative assessment of these emissions. Based on this
data, establish the requirements of the preconstruction
regulatory reviews, degree of emission controls needed and
the monitoring/reporting requirements, if applicable.
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA): See references (c) and
Existing treatment/disposal methods.
Description of methods now in use.
Evaluation of these methods.
Effluent/emissions criteria applicable to discharge from a
proposed industrial shop or treatment plant. Document the
effluent standards necessary to meet NPDES permit
requirements, p retreatment limitations and air emission
criteria.  When state or local limitations are much more
stringent than Federal standards, the Navy (EFD Code 114)
and regulatory agency should negotiate to achieve limits
which are essentially consistent with the Federal program.
Any deviations from the Federal program must be justified
and fully documented.  A copy of the standards and any
resulting agreements should be included in the project
Source Control.  Describe results of the investigations
into the following:
Improved housekeeping
Process change(s)
Operation change(s)
Attachment (1)

Western Governors University

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