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5 psi at the skin of the aircraft.  Flow rate into an aircraft is governed b y
the internal plumbing restrictions and the number of empty tanks fuel is
flowing into.  The rate which fuel is accepted by an aircraft varies from
start to finish, with highest flows occurring initially and a steady decline
in fueling rate to zero as the aircraft fills up.
Solution:  Design aircraft direct fueling station to provide pressure control
and let the aircraft control the rate at which it will accept fuel.  This rate
will vary from aircraft to aircraft and fueling will be accomplished as fast
as possible for each aircraft.
CASE POL 10 - Pressure Control at Direct Fueling Stations, R. Thomas
Over pressurizing aircraft fuel tanks.
Ruptured aircraft fuel tanks.
Collection of Facts: As configured, several Navy and Marine Corps aircraft
direct fueling stations cannot limit the pressure at the fueling nozzle to the
required 505 psi.  The provision of a hose-end pressure regulator is only a
back-up or secondary device for limiting the pressure to aircraft. The
primary pressure control should come from the hydrant fuel control valve.

Western Governors University

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