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Fuel Facilities-Distribution-Continued
defective anchorage
n Underground Piping: Location of underground leaks may be determined
by sectioning the pipelines and performing hydrostatic tests. See Military
Fuel Operations Handbook, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Supply and Logistics):
leakage indicated by earth discoloration
dead vegetation
presence of odors
review periodic oil sampling records to determine if there is
entrainment of ground water
review and compare fuel and replenishment records to determine if
there is a loss of fuel
n Valves:
visible defects in stem, operating handwheel or lever, body packing,
gland, flanges, and gaskets
inadequate lubrication, wear, mechanical damage
damage to protective coatings
difficult operation
Where operational functions of the system will permit and where
precautions are feasible against contamination of the fuel, the
following inspections should be performed
Operate gate and plug-type valves to fully closed and open
position, to ascertain condition of valve seats and stem
threads and to test limit cutout of remote-controlled valves
Inspect plug valves for incorrect adjustment
Remove inspection covers of check valves and inspect such
parts as valve seats, gates, and hinges, for wear and damage
Lift pressure vacuum relief valves by hand to assure against
sticking; if setting is questionable, check and reset as
specified by the manufacturer's instructions

Western Governors University

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