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Purpose and Scope.  This handbook is to be used during
the engineering design of Department of Defense (DOD) facilities
to ensure that engineers and security personnel select the
appropriate glazing systems to optimize performance and cost.
The guidelines are based on the best currently available research
and test data, and will be revised or expanded as additional
research results and funding become available.  The contents
include procedures for planning and selecting glazing systems for
new facilities as well as evaluating existing facilities.
The focus of this handbook is on balancing cost,
protection, and design constraints in selecting systems to
protect against ballistic, bomb, and forced entry tactics.
Glazing provides an alternative to bars and grills in security
applications that require protection against ballistic and bomb
attacks in addition to forced entry attack.
In a work environment, windows are typically used to
augment lighting and ventilation.  Thus, they are more common in
buildings with high concentrations of people than in facilities
for storing materials or housing equipment.  This handbook
assumes that designers will avoid windows in secure facilities
where they are not a necessity for personnel because it is cost-
effective to do so.
Handbook Subject Matter.  This handbook is divided into
two major parts and six appendixes.  The introductory material is
presented in Sections 1 through 3.  The analysis is covered in
Sections 4 through 9.  The appendixes contain information and
procedures that supplement the major parts of the handbook.  The
content of each major part is summarized below.
Introductory Material.  These sections of the handbook
describe how to use the document, introduce glazing cross-
sections, frames and other components, and present aggressor
threats and tactics.  The content of each introductory section is
summarized below.
Introduction.  This is Section 1 of the handbook.
covers purpose and scope, describes the subject matter, and
explains how to use procedures.

Western Governors University

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