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Glazing System Overview.  This is Section 2 of the
handbook.  It describes the various types of cross-sections,
frames, and anchorage used in security glazing systems.
Aggressor Threats and Tactics.  This is Section 3 of
the handbook.  It provides an introduction to aggressor
characteristics; tactics; and tools, weapons, and explosives.
Analysis.  These sections of the handbook provide a
series of analysis procedures for selecting glazing components.
The procedures address ballistic, bomb, and forced entry tactics,
environmental concerns, and cost.  The content of each analysis
section is summarized below.
System Analysis.  This is Section 4 of the handbook.
It introduces the selection process and presents the process as a
summary procedure.
Ballistic Resistant Glazing.  This is Section 5 of the
handbook.  It covers analysis and selection of glazing components
to protect against the ballistic tactic.  The section includes
analyses for selection of new construction and evaluation of
existing facilities.
Blast Resistant Glazing.  This is Section 6 of the
handbook.  It focuses on analysis of glazing components to
protect against vehicle and exterior bomb tactics.  The section
uses the computer program Safevue as a tool in the analysis
procedures.  It includes analyses for selection of new
construction and evaluation of existing facilities.
Forced Entry Resistant Glazing.  This is Section 7 of
the handbook.  It addresses analysis and selection of glazing
components to protect against the forced entry tactic.  The
section includes analyses for selection of new construction and
evaluation of existing facilities.
Environmental Analysis.  This is Section 8 of the
handbook.  It provides a list of environmental concerns that
require evaluation before final selection of glazing components.
Cost Analysis.  This is Section 9 of the handbook.  It
includes cost analyses for various types of glazing cross-section
materials and frame types.

Western Governors University

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